From Summer to School :: Our Journey
Facing Junior High Again
Back to school is upon us, marking the transition from summer breaks and vacations to preparing for a new academic year. Our youngest, the only one still in school, will be entering the seventh grade. Time truly flies!
Re-establishing School Routines
As soon as the last day of school ends, our routines are mostly abandoned for the summer. Late-night sleepovers, hanging out with friends, chatting on the phone, and making TikToks become the norm. It’s only when we remind them that school starts in a few weeks that the reality of early mornings and strict bedtimes sinks in. I can’t help but laugh at their facial expressions when they realize it’s almost time for school to start again. Despite the initial resistance, we usually fall back into our routine within the first week of school.
Her Own Style
The coolest part of the end of summer is always the shopping. We let her choose her school supplies, backpack, shoes, and hair accessories, allowing her to express her own style. It’s a tradition we’ve had since our older kids were in school, and it always helps get her into back-to-school mode.
Reflecting on Milestones
I often find these milestones weighing heavily on me. Each year brings so many firsts and lasts, making it harder, not easier, to see her grow up. Approaching seventh grade, becoming a teenager just two months after school starts, growing taller than mom, becoming more independent — all these changes remind us that she’s learning and becoming her own person.
While many may be in the same situation, each family adjusts to the new school year in its own way. One thing is certain: staying on top of what matters is crucial. Prioritizing their education and ensuring they know their growth is supported with respect and purpose is our top priority.