Amanda Fuselier

Amanda Fuselier
Amanda is a native of Kenner, LA and is now an honorary Cajun. She is married to a psychiatric nurse, Joe, and is a hospice social worker so don't come to her house unless you are ready to talk about your feelings! Amanda and Joe are parents to Kael and Remy and furry parents to Luna and Spiderman. Amanda is all about that #boymom life and is enjoying wrangling her two wild men while checking out the wonderful culture of Acadiana and all of Louisiana. Amanda is a fan of all things yummy and enjoys a good cocktail. Her motto is "if I can't wear yoga pants, I'm not going".

Wait, Wait, Wait!!! Don’t Pitch Your Mardi Gras Throws!

It's the question that every Louisiana mom asks themselves the day after Mardi Gras, "What do I do with all these Mardi Gras beads (or throws)?" There are 2 things that usually happen: They...

I’m All About that Meal Kit Life :: 4 Meal Kits / Packs to...

I've mentioned before that I am easily marketed to. I am the target audience for every infomercial known to man. Perfect Pancake Maker? I got it. Magic Bullet Blender? I use that every day!...

Just Say No To Being A Flakey Friend

I've noticed a trend in mom culture. There has been an increase in acceptance of the flakey friend. I've seen multiple statements around saying things like "You know me. Maybe I'll be there, maybe I...

Treasures I Found at Tinsel and Treasures 2021: Early Gift Guide!

I have always wanted to go to The Junior League's Tinsel and Treasures. I put it on my calendar, but for a variety of reasons, I never made it. Well, 2021 is the year of...

The Overstimulated Mom Club: Coping and Calming Skills

  It's like they have little homing mechanisms in their brain that say, "Hey! Mom looks like she is about to crack, let's practice our yodeling skills." The loud noises, bright lights and colors, and...

Chronicle of a “Yes Day!” :: The Birthday Party Alternative

I first learned about the "Yes Day" here on Lafayette Mom. And, if I'm honest, my one child self at the time stowed that away in the back of my brain and thought "well...

Tell Your Friends You Love Them. Make it Weird.

Make it Weird. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I have no problem being weird, making things weird, loving all things weird. It's been my thing since 1982 and I'm still going strong. And...

Maybe There Isn’t a Trophy for Motherhood, But There Should Be

I read a blog the other day that said "there is no trophy" for natural birth. I get what they mean ..... the most important thing is having a healthy baby, right? And there's no trophy...

One Day I’ll Sleep, But Not Today

I hear it nearly 10 times a week. Well meaning stranger or acquaintance: "Your baby is precious! Does he sleep?" Me: "Oh, laughter) He absolutely does not." I can say this with a smile because it's...

Name That Feeling! :: Coping with Compassion Fatigue in an Overwhelming World

I think we've all hit this wall. And I don't mean at one point in your life, I mean right now. Are you experiencing the following symptoms? physical exhaustion emotional exhaustion feeling overwhelmed irritability difficulty...