Jessica Hauerwas
Embracing Autism: The Signs {Part 1 of 3}
Embracing Autism: The Signs {Part 1 of 3}
In the fall of 2024, our son received a diagnosis of autism. I can tell you that the road to get there was winding, confusing, enlightening, and...
A Letter To LPSS :: Keep Pre-K Immersion Programs
A Letter To LPSS :: Keep Pre-K Immersion Programs
To the decision makers of LPSS,
First and foremost, I have the utmost empathy for your position. Working with a difficult budget and balancing the high emotions...
Local Spots For Your Spur-Of-The-Moment Dates
Local Spots For Your Spur-Of-The-Moment Dates
My husband and I try to squeeze in a date wherever we can. Sometimes when the stars align, we can secure a sitter and get our schedules together in...
A Thank You Note to My Prozac
Dear Prozac,
I owe you a big “thank you.”
Thank you for helping me be a more present parent. Without you, I find myself deep in the throws of anxiety that keep me from enjoying my...
I’m Giving Up On Parenting … But It’s A Good Thing
I’m Giving Up On Parenting … But It’s A Good Thing
I don’t necessarily consider myself to be a type-A personality. My house and car are usually a mess, my office is filled with stacks...
Save the Dates :: 9 Family-Friendly Events Happening Downtown This Fall
Save the Dates :: 9 Family-Friendly Events Happening Downtown This Fall
I don’t know about you, but I am over the heat. As someone who is not built for triple-digit temperatures, I always look forward...
Our First Farewell To Daycare
Our First Farewell To Daycare
For 4.5 years, I have walked in the same door every weekday. I have seen the inside of each classroom. Her teachers have witnessed each of my child’s milestones alongside...
We’re Not Sacrificing Everything For Our Children
We’re Not Sacrificing Everything For Our Children
Our kids are most certainly our priority. Their needs, their growth, their development, and their wellbeing is always at the forefront of our mind.
Our family, though, is also...
Beach Vacation with 3 Under 5 :: Tips and Truths
Beach Vacation with 3 Under 5 :: Tips and Truths
Our family does not travel too often. We make trips to Baton Rouge from time to time, but I can count one one hand how...
Identifying The 5 Love Languages With Your Kids
Identifying The 5 Love Languages With Your Kids
Anyone who knows me knows I love a good assessment. Enneagram, Working Genius, Myers Briggs…you name it, I have probably taken a test. One of my favorite...