
Lauren Curet

Lauren Curet
Lauren, a Shreveport, Louisiana native, moved south in the summer of 2010 to attend University of Louisiana at Lafayette. In the fall of 2011, she laid eyes on Ross Curet, her now husband of 4 years. It was the closest possible scenario of "love at first sight". Lauren is a stay-at-home mom of their two children - Maddox, 2 years old, and Regan Evangeline, born in May of 2019. Building a family and home with her husband is her greatest joy and accomplishment! When she isn’t changing diapers, you can find Lauren shopping BST pages, traveling all over Louisiana to visit family, out and about in the stores of Lafayette (carrying a toddler on her hip and an infant in her arms), or in the CC's Coffee drive-thru. Extra shots of espresso, please!

A Stolen Birthday

I had it all planned, set, and ready. I ordered invitations, decorations, a cake and cookies in advance. I excitedly mailed the invitations out before the stay-at-home order was issued - complete with stamps...

Who’s Next Door? :: The Closeness in Quarantine

We’ve been spending more than half of our time outside. I’m more than grateful that the Louisiana weather has been beautiful enough to play with the chalk, bubbles, and sprinkler. Daily walks are a consistent...

And Then There Was One

Yesterday, my little boy got his first “big” bed. We took apart the toddler bed, the one that had marks in the wood from his teething phase. Several sets of thin little scratches parallel to...
oil rig in middle of gulf

To the Wives of the Oilfield

To the wives of the oilfield, I know this is all scary - times two. Lay-offs are everywhere, and not just only in the oil industry, but we can’t help but get a little...

Toilet Paper Testament

Let’s talk toilet paper. I know you’ve seen the memes. I know you’ve seen the bare shelves. I know you’re worried about wiping your bare behind if we’re quarantined. We’re thanking Jesus for those precious...

Cleaning Out the Cabinet

When we moved, there was an extra large box full of bottles, liners, containers of formula, packaged pacifiers, sanitizing bags, and lots of tiny pieces for my pump. We unpacked, moved the contents into...

To My Girl, I Hope You Dance

Jennifer Lopez and Shakira. BRA-VO. Whichever side of the performance you’re on - thinking it was too risqué or perfection - can we just agree to all respect the work that the performance took?...

Dear “Infertile” Friend, I’m Waiting For You

Dear “Infertile” Friend, I know you’re struggling. I don’t understand the struggle, but I’m watching from the outside. I see your posts, your prayers, your “likes” on the pictures of my babies. Before I...

Tell Me That It’s Going To Be All Right

This year we bought a new car, had a baby, and moved on the day she turned 2 months old. When she was 3 months old, I reached out and got help for postpartum...

Saying “Yes” to Keeping Tradition

I’m a “yes” person. I always have been. It eats me up to think that I’ve hurt a person’s feelings or done wrong. I find happiness in making others happy, and I do my...