When Max was a newborn, he slept just fine. He was our first and we really had no idea what we were doing, but we slept. He slept in our room for the first four months of his life. Read...
I remember my maternity leave well. Cluster feeding, diaper changing, and Will and Grace. And more Will and Grace ... with The Golden Girls peppered in just for flavor. Here's the thing. I love Will and Grace. Love love love....
My parents never saw me coming. My sister, sure - they planned for that. What they didn’t plan for was a second child making her appearance a mere 20 months after my sister. My sister was ... let’s say not...
My son William is my first-born; he is the one that made me a mother. My husband and I truly had no preference on sex when we found out I was pregnant; we prayed only for a healthy child....
May brings with it heat, sprinklers, swimsuits and all those flowers following April showers. It's also Better Speech and Hearing Month. As a speech-language pathologist, it's my time to shine, lol. During my practice, I specialized in pediatric speech and language disorders, and...
Step 1: Remove all the carpet from your home. I kid. I kid. Unless you can. Then do it. Potty training. Eeesh. One of the crappiest (see what I did there?) jobs a parent has.  Our first was basically potty trained by daycare....
I don't want to brag (well, maybe I do), but I had an amazing pregnancy. I know that some of you want to throw your shoe at me right now, but I did. I loved being pregnant. Everyone told...
{read my "You Were Brave for Me" :: A VBAC Birth Story here} I dreamt about the day you’d be born. It was like a movie trailer that played on repeat in my head. That perfect scene where your daddy...
My first two children were born 12 months apart. You know what they call that? Irish Twins Oh we have the luck o' the Irish in our blood. Walking around wearing a baby, while holding a baby, is a tough gig. You...
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." -Osho, Indian Spiritual Teacher, Enlightened Master, All-Around Guru This is a beautiful sentiment,...




Lafayette’s Newest All Inclusive Playground Is Located Downtown!

Lafayette is anticipating a new all inclusive playground! This new playground is located in Downtown Lafayette's Parc Sans Souci in the area between the stage...