Ages & Stages

childcare in Lafayette, LA

Parenting through the various ages + stages of childhood can be overwhelming and challenging. Just when you think you have life figured out with an infant, they slowly turn into toddlers and everything changes! Not to mention, every family dynamic is unique and each child typically requires a different parenting approach. Many families these days turn to the internet for help and advice, and thus, Lafayette Mom, the premier parenting website in Lafayette, LA, was born. Our team of 20+ local Lafayette moms share their opinions, expertise and resources with you to make parenting in Acadiana easier.  

Perhaps you are unexpectedly pregnant and your partner is not quite on board yet. We understand and can empathize because we’ve been there. If you are walking the lonely journey of miscarriage, we are here to hold your proverbial hand every step of the way. Lafayette Mom also prides itself on providing helpful resources for the important things you need as a parent in Lafayette, LA. For example we have a list of where to find swim lessons in Lafayette, as well as a list of the best schools in Lafayette, LA. As your family moves through the ages + stages of raising kids, you will discover that Lafayette Mom is here with you every step of the way!

Through all ages + stages of childhood, Lafayette Mom is designed to be a “go to” resource for parents. Whether you’re in the trenches battling RSV, or wondering how to tackle the sex talk with your tweens, our content is relevant to modern parents. We will cry with you as you send your little off to preschool, and we will rejoice with you when you find out that it’s twins! Let Lafayette Mom help you navigate all ages + stages with ease. 

From Summer to School :: Our Journey Facing Junior High Again Back to school is upon us, marking the transition from summer breaks and vacations to preparing for a new academic year. Our youngest, the only one still in school, will...
Making Back-to-School Fun and Stress-Free :: A Mom's Guide with Tips and Tricks As a mom, the chaos of the past school year left me anxious and stressed. I've spent this summer determined to change things up, hoping to make...
Grace :: What Your Child's Teacher Really Needs I don’t know how it happened, but the end of summer snuck up on us! School supplies sales are happening, uniforms have been purchased, we’re packing up backpacks, and about to send...
Guardian Angels and Mother’s Milk Hesitant Times Two As a mother of three, deciding to breastfeed with my third child was a difficult decision that still weighs on my heart. Looking back, I wish I could turn back time and ease...
Our First Farewell To Daycare For 4.5 years, I have walked in the same door every weekday. I have seen the inside of each classroom. Her teachers have witnessed each of my child’s milestones alongside me. They have watched me...
The Moms I've Been :: From Boundless Love to Boundaries Motherhood is an ever-evolving journey. We start as the nurturing mom; then we may transition into the mom who tries everything to make her kids happy, often by saying "yes"...
Exploring Identity and Representation :: A Review of the Black Barbie Documentary I recently watched the Black Barbie documentary on Netflix and I must say, it was brilliantly done. I will try not to give too much away so that...
We’re Not Sacrificing Everything For Our Children Our kids are most certainly our priority. Their needs, their growth, their development, and their wellbeing is always at the forefront of our mind.  Our family, though, is also made up of adults with...
Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. Eco-Savvy Moms :: How to Cut Waste and Boost Savings In today's world, reducing waste is not just beneficial for the environment, but a smart way to save some cash and simplify our busy...
Torticollis :: Our Experience and Resolution My daughter was born premature at 33 weeks 4 days, and during my pregnancy, she was breached the entire time except for one visit she had flipped and we could see her in the...




The Ultimate Guide to Birthday Parties in Lafayette Louisiana

Disclosure :: Special thanks to all of the great local sponsors that have made this guide possible! Do you have a business that you...
splash pads in Lafayette

Summer Water Fun in Acadiana