Lafayette Easter Events, Spring Events and Spring Break Camps We have rounded up your favorite Easter events and activities for kids and families in and around the Lafayette area. A guide complete with Easter Bunny pictures, egg hunts and other...
Lent With Kids :: Sacrifice Beans Mardi Gras season is in full swing! Many of us have had our first king cake or attended a ball. We’re getting ready for our kids’ Mardi Gras school projects, and figuring out where...
Non-Candy Easter Egg Stuffers In the eyes of my 4-year-old, Easter wouldn't be complete without an Easter egg hunt. Problem is, there are SO many of them between school, church, around town, and home (click this link to see local...
One thing that I've learned during the past month is that time passes differently during a pandemic. Is it Wednesday or could it possibly be Saturday? Is feeding your children dinner at 8pm socially acceptable now? When was the...
Every year as Mardi Gras approaches, I start to think of what I can do during Lent to get to the best version of me.  I am Catholic so it’s always been a religious tradition for me, but I’ve...
Spring is my favorite time of year! Throw in a few birthdays, an anniversary and warmer weather and I'm like a kid on Christmas morning - in April. Speaking of Christmas, let's talk about Easter. There is a common thread...




Allergy-Friendly King Cakes at Whiskful Baking Co. in Broussard, LA!

Allergy-Friendly King Cakes at Whiskful Baking Co. in Broussard, LA! My husband is both gluten-free and dairy-free, and our youngest daughter is dairy-free, so I...
best king cakes in Lafayette Louisiana

Acadiana King Cake Guide