Have you ever been around a group of ladies and thought “I don’t feel like I fit in here?”  I have struggled with this my entire life. I can remember being in third grade and having a group of “popular...

Be Their Submarine

The richest relationships are not only lifeboats but they are also submarines... In any relationship of depth and significance—forgive, forgive, and forgive. And then forgive again.  I’ve not always been the forgiving type and I’ve had to learn how to really...
If you were born in the 80s or 90s, you remember the show, right? Are You Afraid of the Dark? I have a very vivid memory of watching the show while at the babysitter's with my cousin who is two years...
It’s been years since I’ve been on a proper date. Maybe I’m setting myself up for disappointment because what I’m embarking upon now gives me so much satisfaction and empowerment. I’ve taken up "Mom Dating." You know, hitting up...
As I scroll through my Facebook timeline, I see a lot of people upset these days. We have a lot of things going on in the world right now, and I can understand everyone’s frustration. Our society has been...
My family and I are beginning to emerge from quarantine and resume some *new* normal routines. This weekend was a treat because we got to celebrate a friend’s special birthday by the pool with a small group of friends...
From the moment she announced her pregnancy, my best friend and I were dreaming up plans for her baby shower. As her due date was approaching, concerns grew for hosting an in-person celebration. A few of my friends had...
When the opportunity arose to submit my application to be a part of the Lafayette Mom, I knew it was something I had to do. I submitted my application and waited. They chose me. Honestly, I was expecting to write a few...
The state’s most recent announcement to remain in Phase II, I will admit, had very little impact on my family. As the rest of the state is rushing back to normalcy, my family and I have decided to hang...
Have you seen the popular Facebook post that’s been circulating about “sweatpants friends”? They’re the friends that see you undone in every way. The raw, real, messy you...and they love you anyway. I would say that I have two...




Join the Lafayette Mom Neighborhood Groups

Are you looking for more play dates in Lafayette, the perfect spot for a coffee date, or want to try a new indoor play...