Lafayette Be the Change Spotlight :: Introducing The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie

Lafayette Be the Change Spotlight :: Introducing The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie

This month for our “Be the Change Spotlight,” we’d like to introduce you to The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie (McComb-Veazey), an organization whose mission is to foster an environment for investment while preserving, protecting, and enhancing the historic and unique character of the area. To empower residents to lead healthy, prosperous lives in a thriving, self-sustaining community.

How The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie got started

The McComb-Veazey Coterie began as a small group of neighborhood pride organizations and LCG Planning staff who began to meet in 2008 to develop a revitalization plan for the McComb-Veazey area. The Mccomb-Veazey Coterie, now known as the McComb-Veazey Neighborhood nonprofit, represents one of the oldest urban-core neighborhoods surrounding downtown Lafayette, Louisiana. McComb-Veazey is a lively, diverse family neighborhood with markets, bars, homes, churches, and is home to many Creole and African American families and musicians. We continue to celebrate much of the neighborhood’s rich history including the Black Mardi Gras, creole cowboy trail rides, being the home of the late Father of Zydeco Clifton Chenier, and home to creole food and traditions.

What The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie does

McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie is a deeply embedded, active leader of the neighborhood, supporting diverse efforts towards positive and equitable community development. Since its establishment, they have implemented projects across their cultural district including the rehab of the Community House, installing the Legacy Park on Magnolia and operating their Homegrowers Urban Farm. They host a community learning series that educates members of the community on entrepreneurship, small business, housing and investments. The farm provides fresh, local produce and lessens the impact of food insecurity and injustice in the community. The produce harvested on the farm is sold at their pop up markets and the proceeds are invested back into community projects and learning opportunities.

How can you support The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie

Click HERE to support The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie via donation or with your time as a volunteer.

Upcoming events at The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie

The Homegrown Market is hosted on the 2nd Sunday and 3rd Saturday of every month from 12 pm to 5 pm. Music is available and vendor spaces are available. Parti Gras will be held on March 14 & 20th from 12 pm to 5 pm {Community House, 419 12th Street, Lafayette, LA}. Lastly, you can volunteer for their Farm Days in March {shifts are made available weekly via their Facebook Page}.

Learn more about The McComb-Veazey Neighborhood Coterie::
Website • Facebook

If you’re interested in nominating an organization to be featured in our Lafayette Be the Change Spotlight, please email us at [email protected].


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