Meal Ideas to Deliver in a Crisis

Things in life happen, but the good thing about living in the South is that everyone will quickly rally around you. 

The best, no one ever shows up empty handed. 

When a friend of our’s recently lost a parent unexpectedly, my initial reaction was to take them Popeye’s Chicken. 

Don’t laugh at me. This is just how people in North Louisiana (or maybe raised in Vidalia folks) operate. I noticed this trend when my paternal grandmother passed away, we had so much Popeye’s Chicken. In fact, my family who typically never sits at the dining room table, sat at the table that day and we all ate our chicken together. Something about buttery biscuits is just comforting. 

Then a few years ago when my father had landed in ICU and was gravely ill, I had this feeling Popeye’s was going to reappear. This goes to prove I’m not crazy. I rushed into town to help my mother out and see my dad, all the while frantically cleaning her house. I kept saying, “Someone is going to show up after church with Popeye’s; this house has to be spotless.” I was also pregnant at the time, hence the desire to straighten up before the high class box of chicken appeared. 

My people thought I was loony. But alas, within the hour, a friend called and Popeye’s arrived on our kitchen table. 

You can probably see why I related Popeye’s Chicken to death and crisis at this point in life. If you’re sick, my gut reaction is to deliver chicken and biscuits to your doorstep. 

My hands down favorite crisis meal delivery came when my maternal grandmother passed away quite suddenly in the middle of the night. I still don’t know how she did it, but my mom’s friend arrived at our house by 10 in the morning with an entire pot roast. This was pre-Instapot. How on earth did she manage such a thing? 

I wish I had the magic power to make a roast appear in that amount of time, but I’ll be a Popeye’s girl for life. 

With that all said, I polled the other ladies of Lafayette Moms Blog to see what their go-to meals in a crisis are and below is what they said. Some are quick, some take some effort to cook. Either option will make whoever you deliver a meal to happy. 

Meal Ideas to Deliver in a Crisis:

  1. Popeye’s Chicken
  2. Red Beans and Rice
  3. Taco Soup
  4. Roast with Rice and Gravy
  5. Baked Spaghetti
  6. Casseroles or Pastas that can be frozen and baked later on
  7. Takeout from Joey’s
  8. Gumbo (Hebert’s or Chris’s)
  9. Take & Bake pizza from Deano’s
  10. Takeout from Olive Garden
  11. Chicken Enchiladas with salad and Mexican rice
  12. Crawfish fettuccini (Poche’s in Cecillia is good)
  13. Stuffed Chicken from Hebert’s
  14. Zea’s Chicken Bundles & a homemade dessert
  15. Zoe’s Family Meals
  16. Baked Mac and Cheese
  17. Turkey Pasta Casserole

I really like the idea of meals a family can freeze or that are already frozen. You always get so much food when a crisis happens that it’s hard to eat it all. 

One we received that was extremely helpful included everything to make sandwiches and some chips. This was great for running to and from the hospital for ICU visiting hours. 

But now it’s your turn to add to the list. What are your favorite meals to take to a friend in need? 

Emily Babb
Emily, originally from North Louisiana, lives with her husband Jeremy and sons Harrison & Elliot in New Iberia. She's an elementary teacher by day and blogger by night at her personal blog Louisiana Bride. She began blogging to document planning her wedding and has since moved to sharing recipes, meal planning ideas, and the humor in daily life. Emily enjoys yoga, gardening, camping, and is a closet hippie. When she isn't having a toddler crawl all over her while she attempts to workout while simultaneously cooking dinner, you can find her reading a good book or watching old BBC documentaries on YouTube. She use to be cool, but somewhere in adulthood all those concerts quit happening and a mini van showed up in the driveway.


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