A Thank You Note to My Prozac 

thank you note

Dear Prozac,

I owe you a big “thank you.” 

Thank you for helping me be a more present parent. Without you, I find myself deep in the throws of anxiety that keep me from enjoying my daughter’s gymnastics class or watching my son play alongside his baby sister. You help me to feel like my best, clearest self. 

Thank you for helping me to be a better partner. When my mind plays out all the worst case scenarios about marriage, you bring me down to earth and root me in truth. You help me to be lighter on my feet and more engaged in my marriage. You helped me to talk about life and love and not just about dishes and laundry and to-dos. My spouse and I appreciate the help.

Thank you for being a tool in my toolbox when I’m at work. In a job where it seems as though the to-do list will never end, you help me to take it one task at a time. You also help by giving me a still mind to be present to my coworkers and engage in meaningful conversations without the dizzying worry of making sure I always say the right thing at the right time to the right person. With you, you help my dream job stay a dream job. 

Thank you for the help after a dark postpartum period. Having 3 kids in 4 years changed the fabric of my brain, heart, and body, and you helped me to accept that and find peace. Before your help, I was constantly comparing my current self to my old self. I was always concerned that I was being lazy or not doing enough. When we formed our friendship, though, you helped me to extend grace to myself. You helped me prioritize what is really important and where to let go. 

So, Prozac, thank you. Thank you for helping me to help others. Thank you for giving my brain clarity and peace. Thank you for helping me sleep better at night. Thank you for helping me to move through most days in a state of gratitude instead of frenzy. While I know our time together may come and go, I’m glad to have you in this season of life. 

Sincerely your friend,


Jessica Hauerwas
Jessica is a nonprofit leader who loves bopping around Lafayette for the best burgers or bands in town. She is the Executive Director of Downtown Lafayette Unlimited where she runs the day-to-day nonprofit. She and her husband Chris have three littles at home (Jane, Clark, and Louise) where there is lots of giggling and always a cup of coffee brewing. Jessica is passionate about community-building and empowering working mothers. Jessica also volunteers for various organizations, is a member of the Lafayette Re-Entry Coalition, a graduate of Leadership Lafayette, and a survivor of being a mother of three under 4.


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