Dealing with the Darkness

My daughter stood up, turned the lamp off and laid back down.

My mind races, but it’s time to settle down and prepare for the week ahead.

That’s not what happened.

Darkness, literally, is the absence of light. Figuratively, it’s all the despair and disappointment we don’t want to deal with. The things we want to forget, but can’t help but remember. Moments, scenarios, and all the other unfortunate circumstances that we must face.

This week was one for the books. I had an MRI and a spinal tap after some alarming symptoms that all pointed to some pretty scary possibilities. Anger and sadness filled my heart as I waited for the news. I kept myself and my mind busy, to not think about the long week I had.

Although we ruled out the scariest scenarios, I had lived the last week in a blur.

It was dark.

The Room.
My Week.

The news of Kobe Bryant’s untimely death shook me to the core, especially after the recent helicopter crash here in Lafayette. I was in the funk I could not wake up from. The pain and heartache these families were experiencing is something I could not make sense of.

The darkness that night made me face the feelings I had been suppressing. Life is hard sometimes, really hard. How do you make sense of it all? Why are these families dealing with these tragedies? Why do they have to deal with this pain? Good people don’t have to die right?


It is inevitable, but I’m still not okay with it.

Waking up this morning, my heart was still heavy, snoozed my alarm and started my week off in a hurry, running late, dropping everyone off in panic mode. But, I was grateful my kids made it safely to school and I made it to work in one piece, something I take for granted way too many times.

After darkness, comes the light.

I am praying that the families who have been affected by these recent tragedies wake up one day soon and see the light again. I hope they find comfort in knowing their family members are truly in a better place. My wish is that they feel comfort knowing that they are not grieving alone and that we all have to experience these extremely dark times.

My prayer for them would be that they know their loved ones are in a place where there is no darkness.

Courtney Henry
Courtney is the wife of Daniel Henry, her high school sweetheart and is the mother to Aleana, Avah and Daniel. She works and resides in the Frog Capital of the World-Rayne, LA. She is a graduate of LSUE and a former boutique owner. She is a self-proclaimed planner addict who loves brownies, Saints football and would rather not be wearing shoes (even though she has a closet full). When she’s not chasing after kids she’s furthering her education and reading. She could live off coffee and cookies, although it would be frowned upon.


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