Covid 19: My New Four Letter Word

I am so sick of talking about Covid-19 aka Coronavirus. I can appreciate that this is a serious situation. Tough decisions need to be made by everyone about your family, your health, your finances. This is a situation we never thought we would ever be in and yet here we are wearing face masks, staying home for months at a time, sanitizing things like never before, working from home, and teaching our children from our kitchen tables. 

But in all honesty, is anyone else just tired of talking about it? I am so over it!

I am tired of having to think about what safety precautions I will have to take every time I leave my house,

I am tired of second-guessing a hug from a friend,

I am tired of telling my children they can’t come with me when I go run errands,

I am tired of worrying about face masks and hand sanitizer,

I am tired of worrying about toilet paper and meat production,

and don’t even get me started on how tired I am of worrying about jobs and finances.

These last few months have been draining!

And y’all, I am tired!

It seems like every time I turn my head there is something new we have to worry about. The unknowns are so scary! Will we have school in the fall is the big question now. My oldest was supposed to start school in September, and now I don’t know if he will be able to much less if I even want him to go. As a momma, the things we worry about are vast and exhausting but this one has hit me hard. I am ready for this virus to go away but then there is the question of will it ever really go away? See what I mean?! EXHAUSTING! 

I don’t know if I can take another three months of the virus talk, I don’t know if I can handle the stress that comes with it. I hope that normal life comes back sooner rather than later and we can put all of this behind us. Because if this is the new normal then I am going to need to talk to some hair stylists fast because all of the grey hair this momma has from stress is a real issue!

Elle, a New Orleans native, loves being a mom while growing her career at a local Catholic Elementary School. She loves working and volunteering in the community but can't wait to come home and spend time with her boys Charlie and Andy. Elle met her husband, Fletcher, in 2013 while she was attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. When she met him she knew that her life would never be boring again. She loves calling Lafayette home and is very excited she gets to raise her children here.


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