Halloween at Home :: One Mom’s Take

Moms everywhere are deciding what Halloween will look like for them this year. At this point, it’s all up in the air still whether Trick-or-Treating will happen and what it’ll look like. For me, I’m a planner, not knowing what was going to happen led me to take control and planning a Halloween Night blowout for my kiddos here at home. For us, Halloween is usually a big blowout where we dress up as a family and spend every weekend at a different community event so I wanted to make this one night a ton of fun!

Back in the Spring when we were quarantined I decided that Easter would look a little different for us and did a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt! My kids loved it too! So, when I got to planning for Halloween I thought I’d recreate this scene with a spooky twist.

Are you rolling your eyes yet, or are you excited? I’ll be honest, normally I’m in the eye roll group because I am *not* Pinteresty in the least and creativity isn’t my strong suit. However, my word of the year for 2020 is “invest” and I really want to invest in making sure I have fun memories with my kids. We’re road schooling this year and it’s both rewarding and exhausting; not just for me, for the kids too. But like, I’m definitely exhausted, so we’re keeping this easy and laid back no eye rolls needed.

Halloween Plans:

That’s it! So easy and fun. When offered the option to have a small coordinated trick or treat night at the houses of trusted friends, having our people drive past our yard and throw candy at us Mardi Gras style, or having a Halloween House Party all my kids voted house party!

If you have some other fun easy ideas I would love to know about them!

Sarah is a Cecilia native currently living in Lafayette's oil center. She's the mom to a Brady Bunch of 7 children ages 13 to 5. Married to Clint, her 'environmental superhero', they enjoy traveling often. The self-proclaimed queen of big family travel planning; she's also taken up GLAMPing as she explores the State and National Parks as part of their year of road schooling. Sarah started Real Product Talk, a product testing and secret shopper service, with her online bestie of 10+ years in 2014 and continues to grow as a major player in her field. When she's not working from home, she's can be found serving the less fortunate in Lafayette alongside Lafayette Mom Writer Ali Comeaux and their non-profit, With Love, Acadiana.


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