Let Go Of Control, A Little Bit

I relinquished all meal prepping plans to my husband. It may sound like no big deal, but it’s a HUGE deal. Meal prepping and planning takes time. I find that it takes up a lot of time for me because I don’t like to repeat meals too often or I’ll have to hear the whining that someone doesn’t want that tonight.

In a recent session with my therapist, she suggested I relinquish the task to my husband. He had offered recently to take it on, but of course, I had to hear someone else for me to actually let it go. I like control. I’m working on it.

So, this past weekend I gave my husband the reigns. We normally talk about what we will cook for meals together, which we did. This time, though, I let HIM be in charge of the conversion, the ideas.

Small Changes = Big Results

It was amazing. I know, it sounds silly, but it was such a relief. He gave me the ideas for the week. He cooked the meals, I prepped the lunch containers. It worked!

Sunday, which is our meal prep days, I was able to relax. No stress to make sure everything is done. I did laundry, he cooked, instead of me trying to do it all. We worked as a team. And guess what… everything got done!

Don’t misunderstand me. We always work as a team, but I have been known to just try to do it all without asking for help… as most of us do. I have been getting burnt out lately and he knew it. He had tried to take on the meals, but I couldn’t let it go. (Insert Elsa)

It took a professional, a fellow mom, to tell me to get over myself and give in. This has to have been the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time. This simple task given to my husband took a huge weight off of my shoulders.

If you are like me and feel like you do it all, see this as your sign to give a task to your partner. Ask for help. I know, it’s hard, but it’s so worth it. Give yourself a break. Even if it means not thinking about a menu for the week. It’s a game-changer.

Patrice LaBauve
Patrice is a Baton Rouge native that moved to the area to attend UL Lafayette in 2002 and never looked back. Since graduating with a degree in Public Relations she has worked in the insurance business on both personal and commercial sides. Her love of her Cajun heritage made it an easy decision to marry her New Iberia born and raised husband, Matt. They now resides in Youngsville and have two daughters Jolie (9) and Amelie (5) and her bonus son, Eli (14). On most weekdays you will find her running the roads to the dance studio, soccer field or her favorite place, 220 Fitness. The weekends are her favorite family time and are usually spent cooking with her family, watching her daughter show off her goalie skills, checking out any festival around the area, and catching all Saints and Cajuns game. She and her husband are craft beer drinkers, but she also won’t turn down a good Pinot Noir or fancy cocktail. She loves a good philanthropic event, to-do lists, singing in front of people whenever she gets the chance, her gym family and live music. Lafayette has been the perfect place to raise her children and immerse them in the culture she loves.


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