The Men’s Fishing Shirt :: Do’s and Don’ts…

Full Disclaimer: this comes from a place of love, appreciation, and complete understanding. I just wanted to get that out there before you gathered your neighbors and pitchforks and showed up at my front door.

Imagine this; it is 96 degrees in June, there is a heat advisory, and 100% humidity for the foreseeable future and you have to be outside for a minimum of twenty minutes. What do you wear in this instance? If you are from South Louisiana and have a “Y” chromosome, you are going to say a fishing shirt. Unfortunately, this is not always the correct answer.

What Are You Doing Today?

  1. Are you going fishing?
  2. Are you doing yard work or manual labor of some sort?
  3. Will you be on the beach, a boat, or at the pool today?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, it is ok to wear a fishing shirt. If you answered “No,” then you need to choose something other than a fishing shirt to wear. No. Questions. Asked.

When is it NOT OK to Wear a Fishing Shirt?

  1. Family pictures
  2. Weddings or wedding parties (this includes beach weddings)
  3. Child’s birthday party
  4. Sporting events that are not the Bass Master’s Classic
  5. Running errands in South Louisiana in August
  6. Restaurant (unless it is at a marina and you got there via boat, see above #3)
  7. Church
  8. Work


Magellan Outdoors Catch & Release Short Sleeve Shirt

Morada Short Sleeve Shirt

There are so many other options when it comes to fabric and styles these days that you don’t have to settle for a basic fishing shirt. Like I said, this all comes from personal experience and over the years, we have found some good alternatives that are comfortable, inexpensive, and a little easier on the eyes.

Lauren James
Lauren is a native New Orleanian that was transplanted to Lafayette in 2008 by her husband of 11 years, Daniel. She has a B.S.N. from Louisiana State University – School of Nursing and a M.S.N. from the University of South Alabama. Her “paying gig” is as a Nurse Practitioner with a focus in Quality/Infection Prevention at a local hospital. Her other full-time gig is as keeper of her home and mom to William 7, Mary Kathryn 6, and Benjamine 2. Most of her days at home are spent picking up toys and socks off the floor so the family Bernese Mountain Dog, Tipper, does not demolish them. When she has a spare moment, she enjoys reading crime novels, playing board game with her kids, cooking and baking foods that are not on her diet, and finding any reason to celebrate by drinking her beloved champagne. To burn off a few calories and any leftover energy, the family enjoys walking or riding bikes on the shaded boulevard on which they live. Lauren has fallen in love with the people and city of Lafayette and is very proud to raise her family here and to now call it home.


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