Full Disclaimer: this comes from a place of love, appreciation, and complete understanding. I just wanted to get that out there before you gathered your neighbors and pitchforks and showed up at my front door.
Imagine this; it is 96 degrees in June, there is a heat advisory, and 100% humidity for the foreseeable future and you have to be outside for a minimum of twenty minutes. What do you wear in this instance? If you are from South Louisiana and have a “Y” chromosome, you are going to say a fishing shirt. Unfortunately, this is not always the correct answer.
What Are You Doing Today?
- Are you going fishing?
- Are you doing yard work or manual labor of some sort?
- Will you be on the beach, a boat, or at the pool today?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, it is ok to wear a fishing shirt. If you answered “No,” then you need to choose something other than a fishing shirt to wear. No. Questions. Asked.
When is it NOT OK to Wear a Fishing Shirt?
- Family pictures
- Weddings or wedding parties (this includes beach weddings)
- Child’s birthday party
- Sporting events that are not the Bass Master’s Classic
- Running errands in South Louisiana in August
- Restaurant (unless it is at a marina and you got there via boat, see above #3)
- Church
- Work
Magellan Outdoors Catch & Release Short Sleeve Shirt
There are so many other options when it comes to fabric and styles these days that you don’t have to settle for a basic fishing shirt. Like I said, this all comes from personal experience and over the years, we have found some good alternatives that are comfortable, inexpensive, and a little easier on the eyes.