Four Things Your OB Wants You To Know About Colostrum

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Four Things Your OB Wants You To Know About Colostrum

Did you know that Colostrum contains antibacterial and immune system-boosting nutrients not found in formula? 

For the first few days after your baby’s birth, you will produce colostrum, a nutrient-rich fluid that contains immune-boosting molecules not available in formula. Colostrum protects your baby from infection, fights inflammation and promotes organ development and immune system maturation.

colostrum - what your ob wants you to know

So What Do You Need to Know About Colostrum?

  • Colostrum can be thick or thin, white to yellow. The flow of colostrum is slow and in low amounts so that a baby can learn to nurse — a process that involves coordination to suck, breathe and swallow.
  • After about three to five days of producing colostrum, your breasts will start to feel fuller. This is a sign that your milk supply is increasing and changing from colostrum to transitional breast milk. This milk is customized to your growing infant and has many nutritional properties. By four to six weeks, the milk becomes mature.
  • Sometimes your milk may take longer than a few days to come in. This is perfectly normal and is usually no cause for concern, but make sure to let your doctor know.
  • While babies don’t need much more than colostrum for the first few days, the doctor may need to make sure the baby is getting enough to eat. Breastfeeding or pumping more often, usually every two or three hours, will stimulate your body to produce more milk (think supply and demand). These changes may take over a week to occur.

Need more help? Some of my favorite resources to recommend for breastfeeding and pumping are or

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Dr. Abigail Hart is an OB-GYN with Women’s & Children’s Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Hart and other helpful hints for new moms at


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