Golf Cart Santa, You are Magic

Last year, we heard word of a Santa on a golf cart cruising through our neighborhood and those neighborhoods around us.

We were busy that night and never really thought twice about missing it. I mean, how good would it be anyway? Was it just a man in a Santa suit cruising in a golf cart? And after all, how many Santas were we going to see during the Christmas season? We could miss this one …

Well only now do I know that last year, we truly missed out on one of the most magical nights of the year.

Our First Encounter

Our oldest is 4 this year. For the first time as parents, we really got to experience Christmas. He got it and was excited for Santa and all that went along with him. We penned the date in our calendars for when Golf Cart Santa would cruise through our hood. We did not want to miss it this year, even if it was just a man in a Santa suit cruising on a gold cart.

A week or so before Golf Cart Santa was due in our neighborhood, our dear friends invited us to share in the experience in their neighborhood a few miles away from ours. Knowing how the holidays go and because Flumageddon was hitting Lafayette, we took them up on their offer while we were available and healthy — just in case something came up when it was our turn.

We heard the music from a few streets over, but we had no idea what we were about to experience.

We anxiously waited as Golf Cart Santa made a stop at the top of our friends’ street as he approached the stop right in front of their house.

Y’all. This is no run of the mill golf cart.

You can see the lights from more than a mile away.

Photo Courtesy of Golf Cart Santa

Golf Cart Santa pulls up with a better audio system than Target. He has his reindeer, the elves, and the most beautiful Mrs. Clause you will ever see. They do not just park and wave. Golf Cart Santa puts on a full production. He gets off of his “sleigh” and dances and takes pictures and talks to every kid who is willing.

Everyone is in full character. The elves excitedly hand out candy canes as they act with the music and tell of their North Pole adventures. Mrs. Clause floats around caring for each kid as if she knows them by name.

While there are too many spectators these days to line up for official pictures, Santa and Mrs. Claus (along with all the other elves) encourage people to set phones on video mode to capture the moment when their child (or parent! Ha!) interacts with them. The whole Golf Cart Santa crew stops and dances spontaneously with those who are willing. Where on Earth do you get the kind of treatment? And we were just ONE stop of MANY — like one of 7.

Filled with Magic

As Golf Cart Santa pulled away and we all recounted the experience, I could not stop my eyes from welling up with tears.

Photo Courtesy of Golf Cart Santa

I have not experienced anything quite like this before. It was as if I was convinced to believe in Santa all over again.

There was no other reason for Golf Cart Santa than to spread magic — the joy of Christmas.

There were no advertisements or donation buckets or any other hidden agenda.

It was just magic. It was magic that felt rare and over-the-top special.

Double Dippers

So the following week or so was our neighborhood’s night for Golf Cart Santa. We were moving the following week (5 days after Christmas) so we had spent the day emptying our attic — a task involving little to no magic. But we fed our kids and forced ourselves out the door just in time to see Golf Cart Santa pull onto our street. Our neighborhood showed up in full force. There were more than double the amount of people there for the experience than we had in our friends’ neighborhood.

Photo Courtesy of Golf Cart Santa

I did not just well up with tears this time, though. I had actual tears. I was completely moved by the experience as the Golf Cart Santa Team ensured that everyone — irrespective of how large the crowd was — got the full experience.

My in-laws were with us and as we watched Golf Cart Santa pull away, my mother-in-law said, “I think I am enjoying this as much as the kids.”

And that is just it. It was wholeheartedly enjoyable for everyone. We were not just doing it for the kids, but we were all experiencing the magic.

In 2019 and as a 31-year-old adult, I find those moments fewer and farther between.

So When Can You See Golf Cart Santa?

We no longer live on Golf Cart Santa‘s route. But if he shows up with more magic than anyone else I have ever physically been around, I will do my best to put my family in his path.

To find out when you can see Golf Cart Santa at this FREE family-friendly event, check out the calendar below!

“Santa tell me if you’re really there
Don’t make me fall in love again
If he won’t be here next year . . .”

Golf Cart Santa, from the very bottom of my Christmas-loving heart, thank you. Thank you for your effort and for all of your time. I appreciate you more than you know. You, Golf Cart Santa, are magic.

Photo Courtesy of Golf Cart Santa
Photo Courtesy of Golf Cart Santa
Rebecca Autin
Rebecca is an attorney by day and a toddler wrangler by night. She is a product of divorced parents and grew up in both Thibodaux and Franklin, Louisiana. Rebecca attended Loyola University of New Orleans and Southern University Law Center. Rebecca married her high school bestie in 2012. Quinton and Rebecca went through months of infertility before giving birth to Maxwell Lincoln in 2015. In 2016, they were surprised by a baby boy due in June 2017. But, in February 2017, they suffered with incompetent cervix and delivered sweet Theodore Paul too soon. In October 2018, after an incredibly difficult pregnancy, a cerclage, and a whole bunch of bedrest, Fitzgerald Joseph was born -- a happy, healthy, and perfect rainbow. If you can't find Rebecca, you can summon her with pot of freshly brewed coffee or look for her in Target or behind the kitchen island where she is hiding from her kids with a very generous pour of red.


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