“How much candy did she eat today?”
pauses to listen …
“Ok thanks” as I hang up the phone.
I’m sitting on the sofa watching my child run in circles and then race back and forth down the hall. She has energy to burn. She had an enormous amount of candy at her grandma’s house and to be honest, I don’t care.
Not. One. Bit.
Because I’m a big believer in what happens at grandma’s is their special memories. As long as they are using their manners, being respectful and there is no school within 12 hours of you returning them to me, then feed them all the junk food you want. Let them stay up late. Let them make cookies for breakfast. Let them eat popcorn and drink soda at 11:00pm if you want. Let the sleep in pillow forts in your living room or camp out on your back porch.
I. Do. Not. Care.
I think summer time and Grandma’s house are made for memories. They’re gong to get away with so much more there than my house, and I just don’t see any reason to fight it. I’m grateful they have grandparents that want to spend time with them, and I’m definitely not crazy enough to turn down a few hours or a whole day by myself because it throws my child off schedule.
I used to not be like this.
I won’t lie. When my children where really little, I laid out a schedule, packed their own snacks and insisted on a good sleep schedule. Because I wanted everything to go my way. I needed to have the control and structure. But truthfully what I NEED to do is just relax. Just as I needed the time to relax and unwind when they’re gone, my kid needed that time to just be kid with their grandparents.
It’s not like my parents or his parents don’t know what they’re doing …. I mean they raised me and I’m all good! Time to remember that they’re not only doing me a favor by keeping my kids, but they’re making memories and I need to just slow my roll with the rules. They’re keeping them safe and happy, that’s all that counts.