There is one thing I do very conscientiously everyday.
I don’t text and drive.
To be very honest, the main reason I don’t is because I have a 14 year old child. A 14 year old who keeps talking about how all of her 15 year old friends are getting their drivers permits this year. A 14 year old, who in a short 18 months, will be behind the wheel of a car on her very own.
As they say, little eyes are watching.
I also have a 7, 9, and 11 year old. That is a lot of little eyes watching. I’m far from perfect and have to admit I have texted and driven before. Who hasn’t? But in the last year, as that oldest child is getting older, I’ve become acutely aware of my actions. How do I preach to her when the time comes, “You better not text and drive or play with your phone while driving! NOTHING is that important. It can wait” if she sees me doing it?
Practice what you preach
Practice what you preach has a whole new meaning when you are approaching measures, that could be life saving for your child. In 18 short months, all 4 of my children will be getting in the car together at some point with a 16 year old at the wheel.
That scares me to death. Distractions are normal for teenagers … friends talking to them, laughing, changing the radio station … but the phone. The phone scares me, and I’ve made a 100% commitment to showing the importance of putting it down.
Now here is something else that scares me that I need your help with.
She’ll also be getting into the car with your teenager. What kind of example are you being for yours? Pretty soon she’ll be sitting in that passenger seat, laughing up a storm, taking selfies and talking to your child driving. The thought of your child picking up their phone to text is just as scary as my child doing it themselves behind the wheel. All it takes is a split second.
So I beg of you…
Be an example! Think of the eyes that are watching. I can assure you that if any of my kids are in your car, they are watching. I get the reports.
So I challenge you.
Next time you are tempted to simply answer your husband’s text of “What’s for dinner?” maybe ask your child to look at the message and answer it for you. Make a point to say “I can’t text and drive. It will have to wait!” I do this constantly, and it has really resonated with them.
Those eyes are watching, and I know when your time comes that your child will be behind the wheel and Lord forbid if something should happen one day, you never want them to be able to say, “Well … you did it.” Think about that.
Such a great reminder!