Not So Sugary Treats {Alternatives to Halloween Candy}

The season of Halloween is approaching with its dreaded Halloween candy in tow. These sugary treats are in stores everywhere and set to arrive in our homes on Tuesday, October 31st. I have heard moms discussing how their children’s Halloween candy goes inadvertently missing the next day or what they do to get rid of it as soon as possible.

The concern is that this beloved holiday’s outpouring of fun wreaks havoc on our family’s health. These days, it’s not just the excessive sugar content in the candy, but also the artificial food colorings, preservatives and chemical processing that are causing childhood healthy concerns.

To us moms, an excess of sugar and chemicals in our children’s system can disrupt our attempt at keeping a calm household, but at the same time we don’t want to take the fun right out of trick-or-treating. So what can we do?

Are there alternatives to sugary treats in our children’s Halloween bags?

Start with giving the types of candy or play items that you would want your child to receive in their trick-or-treat bags. I saw at Costco that they have Halloween themed containers of Play-Doh. I have a neighbor who gives Honest juice boxes. There are also Halloween themed pencils, art supplies, glow sticks, stickers, jewelry, rubber ducks, fidget spinners, bubbles and more. If you are candy committed, look for those brands that offer chemical free, dye free and organic sugar options. I have seen dye and chemical free gummy bears and worms, suckers and candy corn.

I will admit to being the mom that cringes over chemical dyes in the suckers at the bank and having to turn the other cheek while Helena enjoys a sucker from the nice lady. Is that sucker going to destroy Helena’s health? No, its unlikely. However, at 4 years old, she knows that dyes are chemicals and our bodies were not designed to digest chemicals. We are what we consume and for my family chemicals don’t have a place in our diet.

How We Do Halloween in Our Home

Controlling what we give to other children is easy. Controlling what our children get when they are out in the neighborhood is not as simple. This is how I manage Halloween night with my 4-year-old. I make a healthier Halloween bag for her at home that she will receive as soon as she is home from trick-or-treating. While she is out in the neighborhood, I tell her she is out collecting candy for others. When she arrives home, we trade.

The days following Halloween, I donate the candy she collected to non-profit organizations that will receive it, send it to the office, or save some of it for holiday baking.

Either way, don’t be overwhelmed by the Halloween sugar rush set to come into your home on October 31st. Make a plan, spread the word and carry on with Halloween Cheer!

Alison is a Lafayette native and is proud to be a member of the last graduating class of USL (University of Southwestern Louisiana.) Alison received her degree in Interior Design and has affection for all things creative. Alison says there is no other place to raise her daughter, Helena, with her husband, Tim, then the community that knows and loves her family. Alison’s affection toward all things creative took a turn toward food when she was diagnosed as gluten intolerant and moved into full force when Helena’s dairy intolerance was discovered. Alison opened her kitchen in July of 2017 to share with the world what she has been up to in her food blog, Savoring Presence. Besides being active in her kitchen, Alison can be found practicing yoga and pilates, playing tennis, gardening, painting, and volunteering. Alison is a room mom, an active past president of the Junior League of Lafayette and serves on the Board of Directors at Catholic Services.


  1. Thanks Allison. These are great ideas for alternatives to candy. I’ll probably do both & then the child’s Mom can help them pick appropriately.


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