OH BABY! :: A Letter to My Pregnant Bestie

Dear Bestie VonBesterson,

Congratulations! You’re having a baby! 

You have officially embarked on one of the greatest adventures this life has to offer: motherhood.

I am over the moon that we are able to be in this season of life together! If you would have told me 10 years ago that we’d be here, married and raising babies, I would have spit out my long island iced tea in laughter. Well, get ready… because your hormones are about to take you on an emotional roller coaster more extreme than making friends as an adult.

As excited as I am for the endless amount of playdates we will have, what really fills my mama heart is the thought of being able to watch our babies navigate life together, just as we did.

I’m MOST excited to watch you flourish and thrive as the amazing mother I always knew you would be.

Your baby is already the luckiest one.

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I know this because I’ve seen you with my own children. You have one of the biggest hearts I know. You are always so kind and patient, and you really listen when they talk to you. There is no one that brings out their laughter and silliness like their “aunt” does. The way their eyes light up when they see you makes me that much more excited to see you with your own little one.

Now, I certainly don’t claim to be an expert at this whole parenting thing. (Not even close.) To be honest, it’s mostly just being thrown into unknown territory, blindfolded, over and over again. It’s beautiful, but also terrifying.

I promise you’ve got this.

Things are going to be different and it can feel overwhelming at times. It’s normal to feel worried and unsure about what the future holds.

But of all the things in your life that are about to change, our friendship is not one of them.

I will do my best not to overstep, but I am personally (and totally) invested. You are family to me and this baby is an extension of someone I’ve known for what feels like a lifetime. My kids, your kids, all of us – We’re family. That means always showing up for one another.

It means being on standby for late-night food deliveries.
And having friend dates on the couch so neither one of us has to look acceptable.


It means creating the best ‘mocktails so you don’t feel like you’re missing out.
And celebrating you and every milestone in this new role as mom. 


It means including your partner whenever possible.
And always making sure you’re getting the support you need.


It means being a safe space for anything you need to vent about.
And listening with non-judgmental ears.


It means telling you everything I know.
And knowing when advice is not welcome.


It means helping you register for the things you *actually* need.
And still fully supporting an extravagant wishlist.


It means assembling a “shower squad” to throw you the perfect baby shower.
And then helping you organize all of your gifts in the nursery.


It means being honest about what to expect,
but not too honest that it gives you anxiety.


It means sometimes being too pushy when it comes to your mental health.
And forcing you to go on a walk outside for some fresh air.


It means checking in often enough to notice signs of PPD.
And being open about my own struggles as a new mom.


It means supporting your parenting choices 110%. ALL of them.
And not hesitating to tell off anyone who dares to try and make you feel guilty.


It means never saying the phrase “Let me know if you need anything.
And coming over to feed and snuggle your baby so you can enjoy a quiet bath.


If I can help, I will. I want to help.

This is only the beginning and, as your best friend, I want you to experience all of the wonder and joy pregnancy and motherhood has to offer.

Plus, I already have plenty of experience holding your hair back…

Congratulations, Kasey and Hunter!

Kristen Gary
Kristen, a proud UL Lafayette graduate, lives nestled between Verot School Rd. construction signs with her 2 children, husband, and projects waiting to be worked on. For her, family comes first - always. When she isn’t diving headfirst into an existential crisis, she spends her time catching up on all things Bravo, wishing she had gone to bed earlier, and helping her husband find household items hidden in plain sight. Kristen is obsessed with helping moms feel encouraged, supported and confident throughout their motherhood journey. As the owner of CircleUP Fitness, she devotes her time and energy to ensuring moms across the Acadiana area look and feel their very best. A fierce mental health advocate and part-time social justice warrior, Kristen believes vulnerability is the key to a happy life and strives to live life as transparent as possible.


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