Disclaimer: This post isn’t sponsored. I just really love the founder of Spanx that much!
Almost all of us need them now and then … some of us wear them every day. Spanx are a game changer in the world of women’s undergarments, and their creator and the boss lady behind the brand is more amazing than her flagship product.
I’m talking about Sara Blakely, inventor and founder of SPANX!
Sara is a beautiful, awesome mama and entrepreneur who shows us all how to be a boss, wife and mama. She believes that being underestimated is the best and hardest thing about being a girl in business and has created the most amazing product. Despite the male-dominated industry of women’s undergarments she created something WAY better than control top pantyhose!
She inspires confidence.
Not just because I can slip on a pair of Spanx and instantly look better, but because she is truly an entrepreneur. She saw a need for something and created a product to solve a problem for millions of women! Sara continues to work with her team to develop better undergarments and outer garments for women and men alike. She promotes confidence, hard work and finding your purpose as the best way to get ahead in life.
I’ve learned a lot just from following her on Instagram.
Sara’s Instastories show us all that she is a work in progress when it comes to work-life balance, and just like the rest of us, there are days she feels so overwhelmed, she cries (sometimes on her Instastory). And then there are days she barely makes it to her kids’ activities, school performances or birthday parties. She makes a conscious effort to stop the internal negative talk and encourages other women to do the same. She CEOs hard. And she Moms hard. She shows off her Spanx on the red carpet and sticks out her tongue on the cover of Forbes. And she isn’t scared to pop off her Manolo’s and walk across a hotel lobby floor if her feet hurt. There is no shame in her game.
Sara lends her unique viewpoint of being a female powerhouse CEO, entrepreneur, mom and wife.
We all have those conversations. How can we be the hot, in-shape wife, involved mom and career focused woman with well-behaved children, helpful husband, spotless home and a beautiful yard? Well, she admittedly does things a bit differently. Sara Blakely hangs out with the likes of Richard Branson and Warren Buffett, speaking at financial and business summits – focusing on the uniqueness of her life and has launched her own foundation committed to helping women through education and entrepreneurial training. Sara was also the first female billionaire to join the Giving Pledge, pledging to donate at least half of her wealth to charity.
A company that was founded by a woman whose mission is “To help women feel great about themselves and their potential” is one I can get behind. Thank you Sara Blakely for being an amazing inspiration to women around the world, both personally and professionally.