Sweet Lillian, we’ve come a long way this kindergarten year. You and I have learned so much. We’ve grown, we’ve cried, and we’ve moved bedtime around to find the right fit. More importantly, we’ve succeeded in passing your first year of school. You’re ready for first grade, and this milestone is bringing your momma to tears. I’m proud of you and love watching you grow. However, forever my baby you’ll be.
I pray to continue to listen, even when you think you know everything.
There’s always something new you can learn is a common phrase in our house. Imagine all the stuff people who think they know everything miss out on! Keep those listening ears open, and continue to soak up knowledge like a sponge.
I pray you keep your competitive spirit, even when you fail. 
The month you didn’t earn a medal for perfect conduct, hurt your little heart. You could have stopped behaving at school, but you took an opportunity to push yourself, and do better next month. You may not win “Top Girl Running Bear.” I pray you are proud of second place, and remember how you slacked off mid year when running your laps. See the opportunity to work harder, and be the top runner next year. Continue learning from your failures, and you’ll go far in life. All we ask is a phrase stolen from your fabulous teacher, “Be the Best You, You Can Be!”
I pray continue to flee from the mean girls because baby, they are everywhere.
I’ll never forgot the day you spotted me during recess and starting bawling crying. “She said she wanted to break up with me!” My mom heart broke. Many, many days later, after many discussions, it has finally clicked. “Mom I’m not playing with her anymore, she’s just not very nice.” Hallelujah, and thank you Jesus. There are a whole lot of nice girls in this world, be friends with the nice girls, and be the nice girl! There’s always another kid looking for a friend, play with the nice kids!
I pray you always, always, always choose kind.
Always choose to be the kind kid in your class. Seek out the child who needs help, seek out the child who gets bullied. Be their friend. Choose to be kind to them.
I pray you always want me to sing “You are My Sunshine,” even though I’m pretty sure you’re already over it.
Thank you for letting me sing you to sleep, even though you might already be too big for a bedtime song. I’m six and a half years into singing “sunshine” every night. I’m not ready to stop yet.
Most importantly, I pray you continue to pray and seek Jesus.
Your love for God amazes me. I pray you continue to want to read the Bible. I pray you want to continue to go to church. I pray you continue to want to pray every time we pass a police car, ambulance, or fire truck with their lights on. Keep your childlike faith. It’s going to move mountains.