Facebook recommendations are great. It gives exposure to business and events that wouldn’t normally have a wide reach without a large budget.
Recently, a friend asked where to purchase a UL (University of Louisiana) shirt for an upcoming sporting event. I was quick to comment with two local stores that carry a wide variety of options. Honestly, one of them has the best selection in town. I do not personally know the owner of either store, but I’m a big fan of supporting local businesses.
Thanks to handy dandy Facebook notifications, I was able to see the growing list of recommendations on the post: Academy, Albertsons, WalMart, Dicks (read: big box, big box, big box, big box). Now, before you stop reading, I’m a big fan of big box retailers too. I think a community thrives when both are present and supported. Have I mentioned my love affair with Costco? I guess my issue is, besides my comment, out of 20+ other comments, only one other mentioned a local retailer. How quick are we to recommend the cheapest place? Or the most convenient place? Neither of which were requested, but both quick to be offered. Why don’t we consider supporting local businesses more often?
Besides shopping at local retailers, recommending them on social media, reviewing their businesses, tagging them in social media posts are all great ideas to support them.
I didn’t follow-up to see where the purchase was made but I was happy to throw my two cents in to show my support of local business. I hope next time you’re asked for a recommendation, you consider the same.