Y’all want me to be honest? I’m tired. It’s like my motto some days. If you ask me how I’m doing, that’s probably going to be part of my answer. I mean, what can I say? I’m a mom.
But on top of being a mom, I’m also a business owner who works from home. My life gets pretty hectic some days just trying to balance clients, sessions, correspondence, book keeping and all the other deadlines and details that come along. It can get overwhelming. Throw in a sick child or a sleepless night, and it becomes extra hard fast.
Routine is life giving for me.
So I’m gong to share my top 5 tips that I do daily that keep me going and semi organized. Helping me admit I’m tired but still productive.
Look good, feel good
Getting up early is key. I’m tempted to stay in my pajamas someday I won’t lie, but I usually don’t. I get up and get dressed. I put on just enough make up (read that as tinted moisturizer, mascara and bit of bronzer to cover the tired so I don’t look like death) and I brush my hair. I’ve got this routine down to 10 minutes, and I happily give my Poppy something to play with at my feet so I can get this done. Pulling myself together makes me feel good and helps me to attack my day with a good attitude.
Make a list and prioritize
Because lists are life. I usually do this on Monday and plan out my entire week. Using a weekly planner, I look at what business appointments I have scheduled, I figure out which things I need to do that week and find spaces they fit. Such as if Monday is super busy, then grocery shopping waits until Thursday. I make note of what deadlines I have and do my best to schedule those work hours for the day before. I also schedule myself “business hours” during nap time. It takes a little bit of planning, but having a visual of my entire week helps me to spread out my work and not feel overwhelmed. If you don’t have a planner, I would HIGHLY encourage you to get one.
Find time for exercise and to unplug
Stress relief, y’all. Seriously. Even if it’s just a 30 minute bike ride, it’s worth the time to not think about anything but me. I put on my favorite music and turn off my Facebook and email notifications for just enough time to refresh. Biking not your thing? No problem. Put your little on in the stroller and go for a walk, join a gym with a nursery or check out Baby Boot Camp where you can bring your child with you! It’s been a such fun for both Poppy and I!
Master the 30 minute clean
Figure out what makes you the happiest and do it. I like to take 30 minutes and shove all the clutter back in its place, quickly wipe and disinfect all the bathroom counter tops, vacuum the rugs, toss the dishes in the dishwasher and wipe down the kitchen counters. If it’s the only cleaning I do that day, it at least makes me feel good and the house smells fresh.
Ask for help
Don’t be afraid to say you’re tired. We’ve all been there. Have a close circle of friends that you can talk to and who encourage you. Be real with them. Sometimes just venting our feelings gives us a fresh outlook.