Top Summer Reading Picks for Upper Elementary

Summer is almost upon us! Yay! 

With that there is plenty of time for summer reading, for both mama and the kiddos alike. 

Over the years I’ve compiled a list of my favorite chapter books, but I’ve noticed they don’t always line up with what my upper elementary students are loving at the moment. So with that, I thought I’d take a poll and give you all a list of the books we are loving right now. 

Perfect for summer reading! 

If you’re school does AR… this is also a great way to rack up a few books and get a good chunk of points right out of the gate come August. 

Without further ado, here are our favorite:

Mrs. Emily’s Top Picks:

** Teacher/Mom Tip: Be on the lookout for Junior Classics books. These are generally 1 or 2 bucks and are in the dollar bin at Target. It’s a great way to read a classic novel such as Frankenstein but in an abridged version suitable for younger readers. These are distributed by Bendon, I looked for a link but they aren’t easy to find online. 

My Students Top Picks:

I’ll be honest, they’ve also gotten into any book that is also a movie. These 5th graders love discussing the differences, especially when we were reading Narnia. 

Share with us: What are some of your favorite chapter books? 

Emily Babb
Emily, originally from North Louisiana, lives with her husband Jeremy and sons Harrison & Elliot in New Iberia. She's an elementary teacher by day and blogger by night at her personal blog Louisiana Bride. She began blogging to document planning her wedding and has since moved to sharing recipes, meal planning ideas, and the humor in daily life. Emily enjoys yoga, gardening, camping, and is a closet hippie. When she isn't having a toddler crawl all over her while she attempts to workout while simultaneously cooking dinner, you can find her reading a good book or watching old BBC documentaries on YouTube. She use to be cool, but somewhere in adulthood all those concerts quit happening and a mini van showed up in the driveway.


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