As a third grade reading teacher for the past 10 years, I’ve learned a few things that could not necessarily be taught in school. One of those things is this: kids learn more if they love learning. One way to help kids love learning is to engage them in fun activities to celebrate holidays, big events, and even ridiculous days such as Pi Day, because who doesn’t like pie?! Dr. Seuss’s birthday is just around the corner, and us elementary teachers sure do love an excuse for a birthday party. Love him or not, Dr. Seuss truly changed the world of children’s literature, making fun nonsense words, creating rhythm and rhyme, and making kids laugh. Your child’s school might be celebrating with a parade, drop everything and read time, guest readers, or even a giant birthday party. The fun doesn’t have to stop at school though, here are some fun things you can do at home to teach your kids all about Dr. Seuss!
- Read the book Fox in Socks, and have silly sock night at home. My kids love silly socks, and they can often be found in my beloved Target Dollar Spot.
- Have a Seuss themed dinner, green eggs and ham (Book: Green Eggs and Ham), Popcorn (Hop on Pop), and
strawberries and whip cream arranged like the cat’s hat (Book: The Cat in the Hat). For snack, goldfish or Swedish fish work great (Book: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish).
- Read Bartholomew and the Oobleck, and make slime! There are so many easy kits these days, and Oobleck = Slime.
- Make a fun family dessert with these precious truffula trees. Then you can watch The Lorax or read the book!
- Make a Dr. Seuss themed sensory bin, like this one.
- Talk to your child’s teacher, and ask to bring a fun class snack, like truffula tree seeds (Fruity Pebbles or Trix), Green Eggs and Ham, but with pretzels, white chocolate, and a green m&m. Another great green eggs and ham recipe is to dye vanilla pudding green, add a vanilla wafer, and sprinkles. My kids aren’t big ham fans, but who doesn’t love pudding?! Fun Dr. Seuss themed cupcakes are
always a great idea too.
- This one might be my favorite idea. Read The Butter Battle Book, and make your own butter. Apparently, with a mason jar and a child willing to do some shaking, you can make your own butter in no time. All you need is heavy cream, and shake, shake, shake.
- Hold a book reading contest. The kid or parent that reads the most books during the week, gets a prize, or cash. My girls will work for a few dollars. They love adding this to their jar.
- Hold a Wacky Wednesday day. Have breakfast for dinner, and dinner for breakfast, dress silly around the house, do something different, like have silly game night instead of watching a show, dye the bath water green, etc.