Being a Stay at Home Mom: I Can’t Afford It

I am not an eight to five gal. I am an all-in, around-the-clock, heart and soul kind of commitment. I want what I do to be purposeful and rewarding. Making a difference to something that truly matters. Creating a positive environment with a pretty view. Embracing the good, the bad, and still choosing to do it day in and day out. So quick to need a break but miss it when I do.

I am a stay at home mom (SAHM).

There are two types of SAHMs. The ones who don’t have to work or the ones who don’t make enough money working. Or so it seems. Most people will assume they fit in one of those categories. For SAHMs like me, you have to explain that you simply want to take care of your family—Raise your own kids. Clean your own house.

Like, be at home all day with your kids. Like clean, read, teach, fix, cook, play, build, listen, dirty and clean again. Like endless messes, rocking, leg hugs, and snotty noses. Like wash, sweep, fold and clean. Did I mention clean? Like all day long. I hustle, honey.

At this time in life being a SAHM is the best version of myself. I feel strong, powerful, secure, and confident with a baby in my arms. My heart is full. I feel free. I watch each moment with my own eyes. Wipes tears with my own hands.

It is not easy.

It is financially and emotionally draining. Stretching pennies is depressing. Crying, whining and fighting kids are exhausting. Self-care must be a priority. Don’t be like me and wait until your third child to realize this. I am human and I am worthy. Treat yo’ self.

I choose this because it is fulfilling.

Not because we have enough money. Not because I can’t make enough money. I am determined. We make sacrifices. This is my purpose. Molding my kids. Contributing time and hard work. Saving money. This is me right here, right now.

I mean business.

Powerful women run companies and powerful women run households. I am a strong, disciplined individual. I serve with a gracious heart and get the respect I deserve. I take this role seriously and I grow better each day. All women should get credit. I spent four years as a working mom and four years as a SAHM. I understand both sides of the journey that we are all just trying to survive.

I can’t afford it.

So yes. I can’t afford it. I can’t afford to miss the time. I can’t afford to miss the moments. I can’t afford to miss the calling. My kids need me. The world needs more parents like me. At the end of each day, I am certain it is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

It is a leap of faith and it takes time to figure it out. But it is worth it. It is something I will never regret.

Life is too short not to do what you love. Be who you were meant to be. Be who God needs you to be. Each season at a time. Trust, pray and listen.

About Tova

Tova is a former public relations professional who traded in marketing and media for dirty diapers and laundry. She is passionate about all things home—interior design, gardening, baking, and family time. You can find her on the outskirts of Lafayette playing ball with her sons Porter (8) and Callon (1), dressing up with her daughter Eden (4) and dreaming about building a home or traveling with her husband Loren. Along with cleaning and organizing, crafts and chalk drawings are her specialty. She enjoys reading, learning and designing. She believes in achieving goals and inspiring others. It is her mission to create a positive, purposeful, pretty kind of life. You can follow her journey @tovamaurelle on Instagram.


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