Going from a Non-Routine Lifestyle to Pre-K Life {with Tumble and Soccer in the Mix!}

I have never been a morning person or a night person. I have always just gone with the flow of the day. Since my daughter was born, we had a schedule in the beginning, but nothing was rigid or strict. I was finally a mom, and I just wanted to enjoy every moment of my little miracle without having to worry about any schedule.

As these years have gone by, and very fast I might add, we have added a few scheduled things here and there. Putting my daughter in Tumble and Cheer at 3 years old was actually the first thing we had to be at weekly. Then, we added toddler soccer, and with practice and games, we were on the path to having somewhat of a schedule. Yet, we still had our down-days, what we refer to as snuggle and chill. Just being together, doing fun things like shopping or going to the library, or staying home in our pj’s all day right before Daddy was to get home. Then, we would make it a game and see who could get dressed the fastest. These past 4 years with my sweet daughter have been more than I could have ever imagined they could be. So much love, so much fun, and so many cuddles, hugs, and kisses. So worth being a stay-at-home mom. I am so thankful and grateful.

Now, we are in Pre-K, and it’s the real deal. We have a schedule and, surprisingly enough, it’s actually not that bad. We have literally fallen into this whole routine thing like we have been doing it the whole time. I get up first and get things prepared, and then my little gets up, and we are out the door and down the road to school. The drop-off line is always interesting and fun, and then the afternoon line is great as well. I get there 30 minutes early so I can get her, and we can get home, change, and off to soccer practice twice a week. Then, we have tumble and cheer once a week. Soccer games on the weekend, and Sunday morning church service with an additional mid-week service when we can catch one.

I have to admit, it is a bit much, some days more than others. But, I wouldn’t change it for anything. It’s the life of a mom, and that is the life I have always dreamed of, and the life that I will cherish for the rest of my days. Kudos to all the moms with more than one child, and more than one activity with school in the mix. You, my friends, are the absolute VIP’S. I am doing it with one child and loving it, yet tired, but to see you doing it with multiple children, I am in awe. You are awesome, and if you haven’t been told lately, you are doing an excellent job!

Kim Negrete
I am a Wife and A 1st Time Mommie@49 years of age, to A Beautiful Miracle Baby Girl. I am originally from Dallas, Texas and Have been in Cajun Country since 2005. Prior to my daughter's birth which gave me my Dream Job as a Stay at Home Mom I was in the hospitality industry and before that the transportation industry. My Husband is From Mexico and is in Construction . We love to do Destination Birthdays at The Beach and Travel to Dallas as often as possible to see MiMi. We Love GOD and Put him 1st in All things we do. We Love to just hang out at home in our backyard and enjoy our Daughter... We are The Negrete's Party of Three😇


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