Jason Aldean, we meet again…
If I would have known what life would turn out to be just weeks after your concert, I would have done so many things differently.
I would have enjoyed EVERY SINGLE SECOND of that concert, I would have sang at the top of my lungs, drank one too many and not let the stresses of everyday life get me down. I would have soaked up the night.
If I would have known we would be facing the COVID 19 pandemic, I would have done so many things differently.
If I would have known, I would have spent more soaking up the aisles of Target and TJ Maxx. I would have walked through Target with my coffee and enjoyed every second of it. I would have spoken to every single person who passed by me. Maybe even made small talk with strangers- and I HATE small talk.
If I would have known, I would have tried to be mentally prepared. I would have stocked up on essentials and projects to keep me busy.
I would have bought more Lysol than I would know what to do with (and probably some toilet paper too).
If I would have known, I would have enjoyed everything a little more. I would have taken the time to enjoy all the things I have taken for granted.
If I would have known, I would have gone to mass and spent more time with God. I would have soaked up the community within the walls of my Church.
I probably would have taken that vacation that I didn’t really need (BUT SOON WOULD).
If I would have known, I wouldn’t have canceled that hair appointment and I would have gotten that pedicure after all.
I would have thanked my kid’s teachers because they freaking DESERVE it.
If I would have known, I would have bought that dang dumbbell set for $100 and been prepared to work out at home. I would have been prepared.
Or would I?
How do you prepare to live life in a way that you have NEVER lived before?
Our tendencies as humans are to gather, to embrace, to love, to touch.. and we’ve been told suddenly that this has to end.
How do you change everything you have ever known and adapted to a whole new way of living?
If you would have known, what would you have done or done differently?