As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to say how much we truly value, appreciate and respect each and every one of you. We are proud that in 2019, Lafayette Mom not only rebranded in July, but has also had over 336,000 page views, reached over 312,000 unique readers, connected over 775 moms in our neighborhood community groups, and hosted our first annual in person Bloom, New & Expectant Moms Event AND our second Moms Night Out!

We also wanted to share the 10 most popular blog posts of 2019, determined by page views. They are stories of faith, humor, loss, marriage, motherhood and so much more. We hope you enjoy re-visiting them as much as we did.

Dear NFL, Mama’s Mad

Dear NFL, Shame on you

I Don’t Have Full Custody, But It’s Not What You Think


The Day I Walked In On Sexually Inappropriate Play

Sexually Inappropriate Play

A Letter to My Shipt Shopper


I am a Lunchable Mom and Blippi has Saved My Life


My OB Is My Champion

fitz october 2018_-24

How to Show Up For a Friend in Need

How To Help A Friend in Need

Dear Conduct Chart: You Do Not Determine My Child’s Worth


5 Things I Learned from Marie Kondo


How Dave Ramsey Changed My Life

How Dave Ramsey Changed My Life _ Saving Money


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