If you’ve followed me on social media even for a minute, you know that I love a good picture. Heck, if you have ever read one blog post that I have written, you know that I love a good picture.
Several people have told me that I take such good pictures of my kids. My response to them is always – if you take 462 pictures a day of your kids, one of them is sure to be good, right?
I think I am exaggerating with that 462 number but I can’t be certain.
I really love to take pictures. I love to share pictures.
Every now and then, though, I get a statement or two that make me realize that there is a tiny little chance that I share a few “too many” pictures.
I sit back and think about it for a tiny second and then I use the opportunity to remind myself –
The pictures are for me.
I take pictures for me. I edit pictures for me. I hire professional photographers for me. I pay for extra iPhone photo storage for me. I share pictures for me.
Sure, I love to share my life’s work with any and all who will look – just like a proud grandma at her card game.
But truly, the pictures are for me.
Have you ever had an extremely rough afternoon in mamahood, put your kids to bed, and then missed them? The great conundrum of motherhood, right?!
The pictures are for me – to look at sweet pictures of my kids after they go to bed and I miss them.
Have you ever had a really rough day or week needed a reminder of their sweetness and your abilities?!
The pictures are for me – to remind myself that the attitude is temporary but the ovary-hurting cuteness is long-term.
Have you ever wondered what your first baby looked like and how much hair he had when he was the same age as your second, third, or fifth baby?
The pictures are for me – to look back and remind myself of what my tiny baby looked like – hairy back and all.
Have you ever wondered what outfits you had for your first baby for his first Christmas and if those outfits will work for your subsequent baby before you go all Paypal crazy on buying new outfits for Christmas to come?
The pictures are for me – to keep track of my kids’ closets.
Have you ever wondered if you have always looked this tired and if you ever did spend time with just your husband?
The pictures are for me – to remember how we got here.
So that is that y’all – the pictures are for me.
I love to share them. I love that some of you love them. It gives me great joy. I have nothing better to share than pictures of my precious husband and my babies. But if you don’t love them, if you feel any negative emotions when you look at them, and if they do not give you joy? It is not at all any sweat off of my back. It does not hurt my feelings if you unfollow.
Hello, not to sound rude or an asshole, but the pictures aren’t really for you unless you’ve marked them as such. Every social media platform has a button next to the share button where you can control who you share to. If you have the “Only Me” function, then obviously only you can see it, therefore whatever your sharing is just for you. But, if you have anything else selected like friends, friends +, or public, then the picture is for everyone. I know your probably not going to take the time to read a bit of criticism because nobody in this age ever really does sadly, but I just wanted to throw this in there on the off chance that you do read It. Anyway, keep doing what your doing. Have a good life.