I am the very proud mama of a tenacious, empowered, and brilliant two year old. And I am losing my ever-loving mind. With our first daughter, I seem to have missed the terrible twos. My first-born was always a delight — my little buddy that was totally chill and just wanted to love on Mama. My second born is providing a new and exciting parenting experience. So for all of the other mamas out there in the fray, I am with you.
But as chaotic as this season of life is, I am trying to pause and appreciate my little toddler because before I know it, the terrible twos shall pass and we will have two “big kids.”
The head butting, spitting, kicking, biting, and slapping will pass.
The running around the house diaper-less (and associated clean up) will pass.
Getting dressed won’t require wrestling for much longer.
Our home’s musical repertoire will expand beyond The Wheels on the Bus, Baby Shark, and The Dinosaurs Go Marching.
So whenever I am frustrated, I take a very deep breath (many deep breaths) and stay present. I remind myself that with this transition….
The night-time rocking and baby snuggles will also be a thing of the past.
She will eventually be too big for me to carry around all morning.
She is more empowered and independent every day; eventually she won’t want to hold my hand.
Every day she grows up a little bit more.
So, not to be a total buzzkill, and as unpleasant as I find her spitting in my face to be, I am trying to love every minute of the terrible two’s that are making me crazy, or at the very least trying to stay mindful and present for them. This is a time of transition, and my baby is transitioning to a fully functional tiny person.
I loved her as a baby, I will love her as the person she is to become, and I fiercely love the tiny canaille agent of chaos that she is today.
And for all of you that are in a similar position, here is a fun read that allows my two year old and I to have a cuddle and a laugh about our current season of life: My No, No, No Day by Rebecca Patterson.