My Daughter Was A Twin “So it was actually twins, but….” My body freezes. In the timespan of about one millisecond, a million things run through my head.  “Where are they going to sleep? “I didn’t know my body was capable of conceiving...
Hospital Packing List From a Third Time Mom The first time I packed my hospital bag(s) for having a baby, I packed everything you could think of! I have always preferred to pack too much rather than not enough and...
September Is PCOS Awareness Month What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a very common problem for women. One in 10 women suffer from PCOS. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, this condition causes women to produce an abnormal amount...
Preparing For Baby Number 3! I am thrilled to add our third baby to the family this fall, but I am certainly feeling the weight of the to-do list at home and at work. Transitioning from 2 to 3 is...
Don’t Ask: The Tales Of A Hormonal Pregnant Woman I am currently pregnant for my third child in less than four years. To say I have felt nonstop pregnant for these last four years would be a gross understatement.  Once your...
This post was co-written by Lafayette Mom writers, Blair Broussard and Emily Beatmann.  Here are two Lafayette Moms' experiences with unwarranted comments about their pregnancies! I am 4 months pregnant with baby number three and could not be more excited for...
The first trimester is a JOURNEY! I am pregnant with our third baby. Now that I am in my thirties, seeing those two pink lines took over a year of trying before we were blessed with another little one....
For our first two kids, conceiving only took a few months. As I get closer to my mid-thirties and the year mark of trying to conceive, my hope is starting to dwindle on if another baby is in the...
The holidays are a time of sharing, family, and friends. People near and far come together as one and celebrate the season. It is also a time when depression and anxiety come to an all-time high, especially for the...
My first delivery was 12 long hours of labor that ended in an emergency c-section. It was disappointing to say the least, mostly traumatic at best, and debilitating all around. Before delivering my first child, I had never even...




The Ultimate Guide to Birthday Parties in Lafayette Louisiana

Disclosure :: Special thanks to all of the great local sponsors that have made this guide possible! Do you have a business that you...
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Summer Water Fun in Acadiana