Pregnancy Navigator: Your Personal Guide Through Pregnancy to a Happy Birth Day and Beyond

Disclosure:: This post is sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s and Children’s Hospital and authored by Evie Robison, RN

Pregnancy Navigator: Your Personal Guide Through Pregnancy to a Happy Birth Day and Beyond

There’s no denying it, having a baby is exciting!

There’s so much to do – the birth announcement, devise a memorable gender reveal, set up the nursery, buy the cutest clothes, pick the perfect car seat, prepare for the baby  shower – the list seems to go on for miles. Then there’s all the medical stuff – doctor’s appointments, lab tests, prenatal vitamins, prenatal classes, registering for your delivery with the hospital, etc.

Family and friends can’t wait to share their pregnancy and birth experiences. That often having a personal pregnancy guide and navigator for all your questionscomes with lots of wanted – and sometimes unwanted – advice that could be misleading or confusing. The Internet, it seems, is no savior, either. It’s filled with websites, promotions and more information than you ever imagined could exist on the subject.

Ugh! Wasn’t this supposed to be fun and exciting? How does a Mom-to-be make sense of it all and not let the barrage of information, options and advice steal her shimmer?

A Pregnancy Navigator is your personal coach and advocate through pregnancy to your birth day. Her recommendations and advice are based on medically sound information and resources. She helps you to cut through the clutter so you can focus on what matters most – enjoying every step of this amazing journey and building a bond that lasts a lifetime.

Moms at any stage – first baby, welcoming a new addition to your growing family or high-risk pregnancies – benefit from the attention, expertise and knowledge the Pregnancy Navigator provides.

Your Pregnancy Navigator can assist you with:

  • Planning your birth day wishes .
  • Personalized facility tour
  • Pre-registration for your hospital stay
  • Review of your pregnancy, needs and resources available
  • Details about prenatal classes and assistance with class enrollment
  • Prenatal visits and testing
  • Details on Skin-to-Skin bonding
  • How and when to select a pediatrician

Pregnancy is a marvelous journey filled with excitement, wonder, discovery and preparation. There’s a lot to know and many great destinations along the way. Don’t let anyone steal your shimmer. Trust your Pregnancy Navigator to help you to rise above it all and shine.

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Evie Robinson Pregnancy Navigator for our lady of lourdes women's and children's hospitalEvie Robison, RN, with Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital is Acadiana’s first Pregnancy Navigator. Learn more at or call (337) 470-BABY (2229).


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