Let Vacation Be Vacation Again

One word that can throw any mom into panic mode, VA-CA-TION.

For some reason, vacation for moms is always less of a vacation and more of a week-long chore that you will need a vacation from when you get back.

While finding a place to stay is necessary, why can’t we let some of the other stuff go and just go with the flow?

Go back to old fashioned PB&J and juice box–no one will starve, I promise. Eliminate the stress and pressure of over-planning “perfect” and Instagram-worthy adventures. Plan to enjoy yourself!

The packing, the planning, the organizing, the laundry. We tend to put it all on our shoulders and won’t accept anything less than perfect. From the place to stay, the 15 meals you have to pre-plan, to the activities while you are there. We scour the internet in search of the perfect yet most affordable vacation. If there is such a thing.

Our family travels quite a bit and it is something that we really enjoy. By we, I mean my husband and children really enjoy it. For me, it’s slightly less enjoyable due to the stress I put on myself.

I said it: the stress I put on myself.

Why does everything have to be so perfect? Why can’t I be more roll with the punches? 

What I have learned is that while the lax attitude of my husband is far left on the spectrum, maybe I could learn a few things and we could meet in the middle. For the sake of my sanity, and actually enjoying vacations with my family.

Ask for help!

We tend to want to do everything on our own but it is ok to ask our husbands for help! If you can relinquish one task, that is one less thing off your plate.

Perhaps we don’t put them in charge of packing, though, since they tend to  think that everyone can survive on 2 pairs of shorts and a shirt and insist that, “We will just wash when we get there.”

Who will wash? Oh, you mean I will wash when we get there.

You can be the most organized mom on the planet, but you will surely get to your destination and realize you forgot your child’s favorite blanket. You know, the blanket they can’t sleep without.

How could I have forgotten, and what do we do now? These things we can not avoid or plan for but know that they happen to the best of us and we will survive! 

We can choose happiness. Let’s choose happiness!

My first “go with the flow” vacation

Ali Comeaux
Ali is a homeschooling mama of 2 kiddos, Ella, 11 and Cohen, 9. She and her husband Jansey are originally from Acadiana and have finally returned home after 10 years of living around the world. She recently graduated from LSU with a Master’s in Higher Education, and she is currently in the Doctorate program in Educational Leadership at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Once a Cajun, always a cajun! She is a full-time mom, wife, teacher, maid, chauffeur, and student. She and her family love to travel and do so as often as possible. In her spare time, she enjoys rescuing animals and currently has 2 dogs, 3 cats, a guinea pig, a bird, and a fish. Her hobbies including crafting all of the things, cooking, and binge-watching reality tv late at night.


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