This has been a summer of “on the go” and our usual tossing a few snacks into a backpack wasn’t cutting it.
We traveled all the way to south Oklahoma to camp at Beaver’s Bend State Park and while my snack bin was enough to suffice … it stood to be updated.
Ever the Enneagram 1, I finally got our traveling, snacking, and not spending $$ at every gas station in the great state of Louisiana down pat. This basket has now traveled to the beach (mama alone with two kids 4 and 8 months), then what turned into an 8 hour drive to Birmingham, and countless trips close to lunch time around town and to my classroom (I’m a teacher). This mixed with Sarah’s genius potty in the back of the car hack has been a life saver to the many “Mama I’m starving!” comments.
To start, I grabbed a cute enough basket from Target. I think I paid $6 for this particular one. Next I added in all of our favorite non-perishable snacks to live in there permanently. [Goldfish Crackers, Fruit Snacks, Kid’s Cliff Bars, Ritz, Animal Crackers, Scooby Snacks] Then on the day we have to go somewhere, I will toss in whatever fruit the kiddo is currently wanting to eat or other snacks I might have on hand. I don’t always go healthy, many times this is just a survival kit, but you could mix it up however you like.
From there, I stick it with a pack of baby wipes in the front seat of the car where I can easily open and pass snacks back. When we drove to the beach alone I was shocked that the only money spent was for lunch. Usually we get stuck in the chip aisle while trying to potty, but this notion of having a bunch of snacks on hand helped that out.
This weekend we are headed out again and aside from tossing in a few bags of popcorn and Easy Mac for the hotel, we are pretty much set to go.