Another New Year and another resolution. I am the queen on these, most times, faltering promises to myself. Like most of us, I make the promises and stay strong for a month, two or sometimes even more, but usually by the end of the year those promises have gone by the wayside and replaced with motherly responsibilities.
The other night while laying awake (thank you holiday/end of year anxiety) I began to think of what I wanted to work on in 2022. I have done the regular items like work out more, lose the weight, read more, less screen time. All of these are great options, but I’ve noticed more this year that I have been bringing work home on a regular basis.
More Isn’t Always Better
I love my job. I love my career. When I come home and get to share with my husband stories of how I helped a customer or how the customer was so thankful for all I have done it’s great! But, as everyone does, I have my tough days. Those days, I also come home and update my husband of the day’s happenings.
As adults, I feel most of our conversations revolve around careers and kids. I share everything with my husband about my days, good and bad. I’ve noticed on the bad days I let myself dwell on those feeling for the rest of the evening. Maybe sharing more details of the day isn’t the best idea.
Another Year, Another Change… For Us All
This year I am going to work on leaving all those feelings at the office. Yes, I will share my triumphs, but those bad days will be left at the door as I walk out the office. I will work on not letting the bad days push me down to where I am not enjoying my limited time with my family in the evenings.
Sometimes my job has me staying late at the office, working when I get home or even coming into the office on the weekends. Most times those extra hours are just so I can get ahead of my work and the next day won’t be as busy. I won’t let that damper my home life.
Work is work and family time is just that. Becoming more present is something I struggle with as we are always on the go, looking at the next thing on the schedule. When I leave work I have a few minutes to myself before I pick up the girls. Those minutes will no longer be used to over analyze the day and the what ifs. I will work to use those minutes to get ready to love and be there for my family for the few hours I have with them each evening.
If you are like me and tend to bring work home regularly, you may not even realize it, I challenge you to go home and BE with your family. We only have so many hours a day we have with them so why not make those hours more meaningful.