No one told me that your heart grows, not only for your child but also for your partner.
Marrying you was a dream. We still had so much to grow within ourselves and together but that time was golden. We had freedom we didn’t even understand until after we had children. I loved you more every day, my sweet husband. We worked to travel and own our own home. We strived in our careers and in our relationship. I thought I loved you…
Years later we were pregnant with our first child, and as I blossomed with our daughter, you were even more motivated to make our home a castle for your queen and princess. You worked hard in building her room and preparing our lives for her arrival. You rubbed my feet and told me I was beautiful even though I felt like a whale and went to bed at 7 p.m. some nights. We prepared for the birth I desired and took every course we could and we both read all of the books. I felt so seen and supported. I thought I loved you…
As the second week past our due date passed us, I felt concerned and ready to deliver without an induction. We prayed together for our baby to come on her own time. You walked with me every evening and kept the A/C cranked down while you slept under a mountain of blankets. And finally, while you slept, she began her entrance earthside. I should’ve rested, but I was so excited she was finally coming. I bathed and packed, put on makeup, and prepared myself mentally, and finally woke you and called our doula. You drove us carefully to the hospital for delivery in the morning and we labored all day. I thought I loved you…
The labor was typical for a first-time-mom. It was long and hard work but we did it together. You never left my side and even shooed people away to keep my space sacred. You fervently prayed with me and push on my lower back through our contractions. You did everything right and I thought I loved you.
Then she was born and your eyes welled up and I was in my moment of empowerment from birthing her as I desired. I felt that overwhelming, new love they tell you about when you meet your child for the first time, but what I didn’t expect is this new and overwhelming love for you, my husband. No one told me that your heart grows, not only for your child but also for your partner. I felt more intertwined with you in that moment than I ever knew I could feel.
I thought I loved you before children, but that love matured and exponentially grew in that single moment and I am beyond grateful and overwhelmed.