Have you wanted to stroll the best park in the neighborhood, but wished you had a mom pal to tag along with you?
Are you looking for more play dates in Lafayette, mom and baby coffee dates, or a way to connect with the mom and kids next door?
Are you new to the Acadiana area and looking for recommendations from other moms like you about where to dine out with kids or who is the best area pediatrician or orthodontist?
If your answer is yes, then we welcome you to The Lafayette Mom Neighborhood Groups!
The primary goal of this group is to connect moms online, as well as offline! Lafayette is growing bigger and bigger by the day, and we want to make it feel just a little smaller by creating a neighborhood group! Whether you’re a new mom, new to the city, or just want to meet new friends, you can arrange casual play dates and meet ups with local moms near you.
Just click on the link below and ask to join the groups!
From there, let the fun begin!
Lafayette/Acadiana Area Neighborhood Groups for Moms ::
- The Lafayette Mom Neighborhood Group
- The Lafayette Mom Babysitter Group
- The Lafayette Mom Marketplace for local buying, selling and trading.