When the opportunity arose to submit my application to be a part of the Lafayette Mom, I knew it was something I had to do.
I submitted my application and waited.
They chose me.
Honestly, I was expecting to write a few blogs, share some thoughts and that would be the just of it. I gained so much more than that. I gained a community of women that I will forever be grateful for. Women from so many different backgrounds, lifestyles, and beliefs.
But let me tell you, I hit the jackpot.
This community has forever changed the way I view friendship. Although we don’t get together often, when we do, it is so refreshing.
They have been such a breath of fresh air. No judgements, no counting of wrongs, they support you and they truly CARE about you.
They’ve made me reevaluate the way I view friendships. They make me feel welcome and supported. They lift me when I am down.
I appreciate you all, because you have all taught me so much about myself. You all have supported me when I was sick, prayed for me when I was scared, laughed at me when I was silly.
I’m thankful for your kind words, the way you lift me up when I am down.
I’m thankful for the help when my days are dark, the random messages me to make sure I am okay.
I appreciate the texts – every single day for a week to make sure I am okay.
I needed someone; you noticed that.
Thank you for inviting me to Goat yoga, for my Sonic Coke, for buying my kids Ooly pens, and thank you for hugging me like you mean it.
Words really can not describe the way you all have helped me, but let me tell you, it’s more than you will ever know.
To you, all 30 something of you! I am thankful for the love and thankful for the encouragement.
Friendships were always supposed to be effortless. They count no wrongs, they rejoice when you win, and they fight with you when you feel like giving up.
Lafayette Mommas, y’all are something special. All of you. Thank you for teaching me so much about the world around me and for showing unconditional love and support. I’ll forever be grateful for being a part of this group.