When we first moved to South Louisiana 8 years ago I still remember my first thoughts. As I drove down that road towards Thibodaux, “I’ve been driving next to a bayou for I don’t know how long and that was dead nutria rat number 7.” Primarily “Where on earth had my husband brought me to!”
We spent 2 years in Thib and after he graduated we made our way here, the place we’ve spent 6 years of our married lives.
I won’t lie, I wasn’t excited about it. I never envisioned myself here.
Six years later and on the cusp of moving to Alabama I have to admit, I’m sad. We’ve made amazing friends, acquired an incredible church family and have eaten our way back and forth across Lafayette.
First off I’m going to miss the people.
Cajuns are a special crowd. Y’all can either be a best friend and help in any time of need or someone’s arch enemy. No in between. Friends here will surround you in tough times, bring food over in an instant, and rescue their North LA friends when they panic over hurricane conditions.
I’ll miss the food scene in Lafayette.
I won’t lie, the idea of new restaurants opening that I might not get to before we leave hurts my foodie heart. I’ve tried nearly every new place to open in our 6 years. We mapped out our weekends around Viva La Waffle for ages before recommitting out lives to their brick and mortar – Pop’s Poboys (y’all Uber Eats to Birmingham right?). I’ve only ever ordered the exact same brisket burrito from Taco Sisters and could bathe in their special sauce.
Not only is this THE place to land boiled seafood and a great po-boy, it’s got a food scene that is quickly competing with BR and NOLA.
There’s a festival for everything.
I’ve really had my heart set on the upcoming Sno-Ball Festival and keep telling myself that a 7ish hour drive with kids is not smart to just get a sno-ball.
While I thought North LA had festivals, no one has or does a festival like Acadiana. We all know it’s just an excuse for live music and food, and no one is mad about that.
Last but not least, I’m going to miss these blog ladies.
The love for their community shines though. When y’all have a great response to an event that Lafayette Mom throws, I can tell you first hand that these hard working women are over the moon. I’ll miss serving our local mamas when I’ve been able to work events.
We love our swag bags and I love seeing the excitement on everyone’s faces when they get theirs. Especially at our first Moms Night Out last year, my big ole pregnant self sat at the giveaway area and soaked up all of your excitement.
I’ve forged life long friendships with my fellow contributors that, outside of this bubble, I never would have met. We all come from different walks of life and views and yet, everyone loves and encourages each other.
It’s been the perfect example to me that my close friends don’t have to all “look the same.” They can be different women of different ages and backgrounds. The common goal of loving each other, celebrating highs, offering prayer and encouragement in our lows, and sharing all of life’s odds and ends has brought me such joy. I’ve felt included and loved by a group I never imagined gaining that from.
So Acadiana, I’m going to miss you. Your people. Your food. The sense of community. You have been amazing place to grow a family.
And we will miss you, Jeremy, Harry and Elliot. ???