The Dreaded Swimsuit Season

It’s coming. I see it in Target (I’m pretty sure it has never left), Walmart, and Old Navy. Swimsuits everywhere! The thought of getting into one of these dreaded torture devices terrifies me.

Every year I tell myself “this is the year I’m going to feel comfortable at the pool.” Every year that doesn’t happen. I’ve read the articles encouraging women that if you have a body, you have a swimsuit body. The articles that preach not to worry about what other people think. Take those pictures with your kids at the beach. Yet, I let fear and self conscienceness take over.

Shrinking in all Aspects of the Word

The selection, in general, continues to shrink. I mean, the swimsuits themselves get smaller! Is the woman figure getting smaller and I just missed out on the magic elixir? Mommas who have the “I’ve had kids and this body is still not ready after all these years” need something to help us feel comfortable that won’t make us look like an old lady!

I am pretty sure the last time I felt comfortable in a swimsuit in front of anyone I had to have been in my early twenties. I have tried every type of suit there is to hopefully help myself feel more comfortable. But, again all I do is pick apart myself when I look in the mirror, compare myself to those around me, tell myself maybe next year.

I’m going to need the selection to be more generous with coverage. I want something that’s going to cover up my ENTIRE bum and hold up the girls! I want something that I put on, look in the mirror, and don’t hate what I see.

So Many Choices!

When I search online I feel overwhelmed by the choices of what could possibly work. Does it have enough lift? Enough coverage? Is it going to fall apart after you wear it once? Who has time to actually go shopping for clothes these days, much less time for shopping for a piece of clothing that basically shows you half-naked to anyone who is within a foot of you!?

If you have any suggestions of sites or stores you have found a suit that you LOVE and feel like a million dollars in please pass them along! I know I’m not the only momma who could use the tips.

Patrice LaBauve
Patrice is a Baton Rouge native that moved to the area to attend UL Lafayette in 2002 and never looked back. Since graduating with a degree in Public Relations she has worked in the insurance business on both personal and commercial sides. Her love of her Cajun heritage made it an easy decision to marry her New Iberia born and raised husband, Matt. They now resides in Youngsville and have two daughters Jolie (9) and Amelie (5) and her bonus son, Eli (14). On most weekdays you will find her running the roads to the dance studio, soccer field or her favorite place, 220 Fitness. The weekends are her favorite family time and are usually spent cooking with her family, watching her daughter show off her goalie skills, checking out any festival around the area, and catching all Saints and Cajuns game. She and her husband are craft beer drinkers, but she also won’t turn down a good Pinot Noir or fancy cocktail. She loves a good philanthropic event, to-do lists, singing in front of people whenever she gets the chance, her gym family and live music. Lafayette has been the perfect place to raise her children and immerse them in the culture she loves.


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