Blueberry Picking :: A Louisiana Summer Tradition {& Easy Fresh Blueberry Recipes}

I’ve kept this gem a secret long enough; it’s time to share it with you mommas. There’s this little treat of a place called Bayou Blues Blueberry Farm in Broussard. Our family began the tradition of picking blueberries at the farm 3 years ago after I stumbled across their Facebook page during prime picking season. Bayou Blues is a quaint, family owned and operated, blueberry pickin’ good time for all.

When you make it to the farm, begin by stopping into the darling little white shed in the back right corner of the property. They have everything needed for your family to undergo an easy peasy blueberry squeezy experience! Directions and pricing are posted on the door and all the supplies needed are easily accessible: picking jugs, gallon bags, paper towels, scale for weighing your pickings, as well as envelopes and lock box to drop you cash.

Bonus … the fridge inside the shed is stocked with drinks and frozen treats available for a nominal fee (because it gets hot out there, Cher!). The owner, Chris, provided me with these pro tips:

“I learned popsicles are as important as blueberries. Also, it is so much better to come early or late in the day to miss the heat … can pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic while they are here!”

Blueberry picking is the perfect outdoor summer activity for your family. Little ones will enjoy running in between the bushes, holding the jugs, and hand picking the berries. Big kids and Mom and Dad can have the challenge of picking the highest berries at the top of the bushes! We made a game out of who could pick the most berries in 5 minutes and who could pick the bluest berries. We created this last game partly because our 2-year-old needed guidance or else she would have been picking berries that weren’t ripe yet!

This year, my family of four picked 3 pounds of blueberries! Here are the links to some easy fresh blueberry recipes we used our hand picked berries in:

The 2018 picking season will only last a few more weeks, so be sure to visit sometime between now and Father’s Day. Make Bayou Blues Blueberry Farm a yearly early summer tradition! What will you be making with your blueberries?

Christy Loustalot
Christy is a fun-loving wife and mother of two little ladies Amelia (7) and Gwendolyn (3) currently residing in Broussard. She met her husband, Thomas, through Greek life in college at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the rest, as they say, is history. Christy is the Lead Designer at Confetti Momma. She is obsessed with her job and is currently working on developing the perfect balance between work and home life. Being a little bit corny and a LOT cheesy, she lives for the laugh and appreciates a good pun. Making people smile gives her the warm fuzzies. Christy loves baking with her daughters, Gilmore Girls, game nights with friends, and all things frozen (as in ice cream and snowballs- although Anna and Elsa are her home girls). Oh! And coffee … lets not forget coffee!


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