Seems easy enough, right? Just don’t leave. Just sit home. Don’t invite friends over. Keep your distance. Entertain your kids. Teach them their school work.
But what about us working moms? Not those with the option to work from home. Not those with childcare options. I see you, working moms. I am you.
There have been so many posts about #COVID-19 and so many home-school resources offered, it’s almost as if we’re forgotten about. The resources are great. The color-coded schedules, real pretty guys. The constant posts asking “why can’t people listen and stay home? Is it really that hard?”
But hey, there’s a whole other demographic out here. The working moms and dads. Not the “we have the option to work from home” parents, or the ones, who let’s be honest, dream of staying home with their kids so they feel like they have won the lottery.
What about us working moms that are still working outside of our homes? As a business owner, that work doesn’t just go away. I also can’t bring work home with me. Without childcare options, that means my son comes to work, too. We don’t follow color coded schedules. We don’t FaceTime friends and have virtual play dates.
We’re making up school work, after we’ve been working all day. We’ve neglected our kids, who quite frankly, need us now more than ever.
Did I also mention, I’m not equipped for this?
I’ve never envied a teacher or a stay at home parent. I’ve always been thankful for school, for what it offers, and the role each teacher plays in my son’s life. I know teachers are heaven sent. I cannot simply adapt to that new role overnight, regardless of resources, while maintaining my full time job and running a business.
So working Moms and Dads, don’t let FaceBook fool you. You’re not alone. I see you. I see your struggle. Trying to decide between paying a babysitter or calling in sick. Hoping if a grandparent offers to help, you aren’t exposing them to germs. Wondering when it’s all going to end.
Hopefully sooner than later, for all of us. Take care of yourself, in the meantime.
Thank you!