Holiday Spirits :: The Best Eggnog EVER

There are so many things that I love about the holiday season that it is very difficult for me to choose just one favorite thing. Between the Christmas music, presents, family gatherings, and the over indulgence in treats, how could one choose? But there is one thing that I look forward to every Christmas, and this is because I only get it once a year. That one thing is the greatest adult beverage known to man, eggnog.

This is Not Grocery Store Eggnog

Now don’t tell me that you don’t like eggnog, because you have never tasted my family’s eggnog. Strangely enough, making eggnog is one of my favorite childhood memories around the holidays. Is it weird that I helped my mom make eggnog? Maybe. But it definitely didn’t seem strange in New Orleans in the late 80’s to have your school age child hold the hand mixer while you poured the booze into the egg yolk / sugar mixture. Not strange at all … You have to remember this was a time before there was a stand mixer in every kitchen. Momma had to put me to good use.

The Best Eggnog EVER

Because I am so generous, I will share this amazing recipe with you; you can thank me later.


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  • 12 eggs separated
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 pint of bourbon
  • 1/2 pint brandy
  • 1 pint heavy cream
  • 1 quart milk
  • 1 pint of vanilla ice cream

Beat the egg yolks and sugar until thick. Then add the bourbon and brandy to the egg mixture and stir well (this is the part where you need to be careful, because according to my mom the booze can scramble the eggs … ). Add the cream, milk, and whip together until combined. Break up the ice cream and add to liquid (helps if you scoop it out and measure when you first get started so the ice cream is softer). Beat the egg whites and fold into the egg nog (I usually only add about half of the egg whites).

This is when I get the biggest funnel I have and pour the eggnog into a rinsed milk container. This recipe will fit in a gallon container. Please make sure to decorate the gallon jug accordingly so the babysitter doesn’t accidentally serve this to the children. Pour over ice and enjoy every darn night from Thanksgiving until New Years!!

Lauren James
Lauren is a native New Orleanian that was transplanted to Lafayette in 2008 by her husband of 11 years, Daniel. She has a B.S.N. from Louisiana State University – School of Nursing and a M.S.N. from the University of South Alabama. Her “paying gig” is as a Nurse Practitioner with a focus in Quality/Infection Prevention at a local hospital. Her other full-time gig is as keeper of her home and mom to William 7, Mary Kathryn 6, and Benjamine 2. Most of her days at home are spent picking up toys and socks off the floor so the family Bernese Mountain Dog, Tipper, does not demolish them. When she has a spare moment, she enjoys reading crime novels, playing board game with her kids, cooking and baking foods that are not on her diet, and finding any reason to celebrate by drinking her beloved champagne. To burn off a few calories and any leftover energy, the family enjoys walking or riding bikes on the shaded boulevard on which they live. Lauren has fallen in love with the people and city of Lafayette and is very proud to raise her family here and to now call it home.


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