My Best Purchase of 2020

You probably opened this thinking it would be an article about how I can’t live without my new air fryer or how I’m addicted to Animal Crossing on my new Nintendo Switch (I’m not ashamed to say I’m 32 and I am). You’re wrong though. This isn’t about some fancy new video game or kitchen gadget. I probably cook more than most people, and I love doing it, but there is a place I love more than the kitchen …

my bed.

On the first freezing day of 2020, my mom texted me a reminder to leave the faucet dripping so the pipes wouldn’t burst. I despise being cold, so I was laying in bed pondering how to knock the chill from my bones. I had to do this without making my husband feel like the heater was suffocating him. I’m not sure how your relationship is, but in mine we differ vastly on what the perfect temperature is.

As I perused Amazon, my mind fondly wandered back to an avocado green electric blanket from my childhood. My parents certainly owned this contraption prior to my early-90s recollection of it, and given the color, I can only assume it came straight from the 70s. I’m sure it would give firemen of today nightmares. I then became determined to find a 2020-safe version. It didn’t take long for me to find a well-reviewed, full-sized electric blanket. I immediately added it to my cart. I was now prepared to nestle into my warm, soft, 70s-inspired cocoon at the first sign of cold.

So on trend.

Fast forward to my first use of my new purchase. I can unquestionably, without a doubt tell you that buying an electric blanket was my best purchase of 2020. It’s soft. It’s warm (but not hot). It’s brown. It has safety features. It’s a low-cost means to stay warm. It is a perfect specimen of a blanket. I read an article from mid-October saying that millennials had caused a 400% increase in electric blanket sales in a week, and I see why. I’m a millennial from the earlier end of the spectrum, and in true millennial fashion I went straight to social media to share my best idea all year. When I shared about my new purchase on Facebook, I found out that a lot of my friends had made the same purchase and were just as thrilled about it.

Millennial or not, this purchase is worth it.

electric blanket

Charlotte Cravins
Charlotte Cravins is the wife of Calvin Bell and stepmom to his sweet little girl, Lyric. They’d love to add to their family, but are currently battling infertility. After living in Lafayette for the last three years, they recently moved back to their home parish of St. Landry Parish while Calvin pursues a degree in Information Technology. Charlotte is an attorney for the Louisiana House of Representatives by day (read: one hour commute to work) and practices privately via ‘of counsel’ work for her dad’s law practice by night. In her free time, Charlotte documents her infertility journey, latest kitchen adventures, and other random happenings on her Instagram page, @charshares. She considers herself a Real Housewives aficionado, but she’s well-versed in most trash reality tv programming. As a Creole woman, she is passionate about her culture which is why Acadiana will always be home.


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