Blair Broussard

Blair Broussard

5 Meatless Recipes to Try During Lent

Since moving to Cajun Country over ten years ago, I have dived headfirst into all things in the kitchen. At one point I owned and operated a vegan cookie business, I routinely cook...

Blair’s Book Club: Top 10 Books

I have been an avid reader for most of my life. Like many millennials, I blame Harry Potter for my obsession and pray that I can pass it on to my own children. My...

Charlie Brown’s New Year :: Rules for a Better Life and a Fat Dog

I regularly tow the fine line between being the optimist and the realist. I haven’t taken a personality test in ages, I don’t know what Enneagram I am (I don’t even know how to...
under construction sign

Under Construction {Growing, Changing, Adapting}

I have to brag for a moment because my husband and I are now undergoing a home renovation for the third time in three years. Try not to be too jealous of our ongoing...

I’m Coming Unglued and You Should Too

Have you ever felt sorry for yourself, and then, to snap yourself out of it, you think about how so many others have it so much worse than you? Yeah, that’s me too. I...

Why We Don’t Put Our Son on Social Media

We keep a tight circle (which was the case even before the COVID-19 crisis), not many in our larger community know our 16 month old son on a personal level. It’s the culmination of...

Mastering the Tightrope: How I’m Trying to Have It All

When you look closely at my life you’ll see that almost everything is peacefully on the edge of chaos. I started my real estate career within months of having my son and have been...

A Big Girl’s Guide to Running

Be like Nike and just do it. Truly, it's that simple. Get up when your alarm goes off, lace up your shoes and hit the quiet, open road. The fact that it is quiet...

Where the Wild Things Are: A Trip to the Zoo with My Wild Thing

My son is an avid outdoorsman: he refuses to come inside. He never relents from the heat and humidity, the bugs don’t bother him, and the more dirt to get in his clothes and...

Do You Speak the Language of Love?

My family and I are beginning to emerge from quarantine and resume some *new* normal routines. This weekend was a treat because we got to celebrate a friend’s special birthday by the pool with...