Libby Judice-Smith
Love Comes After The Butterflies
In the beginning of a romantic relationship, everything is tingles. You get butterflies in your stomach just looking at them. Your heart skips a beat at the mere sound of your name on their...
I Don’t Care About Why You Don’t Want Children
I'm just going to put it out there: I genuinely do not care what your reason is for not wanting children. Okay, so the title is a little click-baity. What can I say? I...
True Life: I’m An Adult In Retail
It wasn't meant to be a career. It started out as a part-time job to earn a little money and ease myself back into the workforce after staying home with my son. But then...
The Power of Pillow Talk
At the start of our marriage, my husband and I resolved that every night we would get in bed at the same time and fall asleep together. We recognized that unwinding together made us...
Forget Resolutions, Try New Year Affirmations
Congratulations! You survived 2022! How did it go? Did you make resolutions back in January? Did you stick to them? Personally, my resolutions always really struggle to hold on for more than a few...
Skincare Level Up: Serums, Exfoliants, and Retinoids, Oh My!
Note: This is a follow-up to my Skincare For Beginners post. If you're brand new to building a skincare regimen, start there!
So you have a great basic skincare routine. You cleanse and moisturize (just about)...
So, Your Kid Hates Halloween
I am, to my very core, a Halloween person. Growing up, starting at the end of every August, my top priority after school was checking the mail for the arrival of the first costume...
Skincare For Beautiful, Genius Beginners (Because You Are NOT A Dummy)
Like many other things in my life, my interest in skincare ranges from casual to utterly obsessive. I go through phases where I only have a bare-bones morning and night routine as part of...
Night Of The Puking Toddler: Surviving Our First Stomach Bug
Note: I wrote the first draft of this post right before taking a hiatus from contributing to Lafayette Mom. I had originally planned to resume writing in August but, lo and behold, my house...
Treat Yourself: An Ode To “Junk Food Books”
One of my proudest accomplishments of 2021 was finally beating my yearly Goodreads challenge. I set a goal at the beginning of the year to read 18 books and, as God as my witness,...